A+ renewal scenario?
Hypothetical scenario, Lets say I passed the A+ and N+ on the same day
3 years later I go to renew the the N+ does this auto renew the A+ as well?
the reason I ask is I am currently looking to do the A+ and then the N+ straight after but then I was thinking I would do the A+ wait for near the time of the A+ renewal and then go for the N+ which would then renew my A+. This wouldn't be the ideal situation as I want to go straight from the A+ to the N+ but I am trying to avoid having to renew the A+ again after the 3 years.
What are my options here?
3 years later I go to renew the the N+ does this auto renew the A+ as well?
the reason I ask is I am currently looking to do the A+ and then the N+ straight after but then I was thinking I would do the A+ wait for near the time of the A+ renewal and then go for the N+ which would then renew my A+. This wouldn't be the ideal situation as I want to go straight from the A+ to the N+ but I am trying to avoid having to renew the A+ again after the 3 years.
What are my options here?
PJ_Sneakers Member Posts: 884 ■■■■■■□□□□Yeah you just have to renew the "highest level" cert based on their progression chart.
Attempted Mustache Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□Yes, the N+ renews the A+ and the Security+ renews them both. So you could do A+ and Net+ back to back and then when the 3 years is up you could get Security+ and renew them both, or you could wait and do A+, wait three years, then Net+, wait three years and then Sec+. Really depends on how soon you want to have all three.
The new more advanced Comptia Advanced Security Practitioner renews all three (A+, N+, Sec+). This website explains it. You can also just take the cert you want renewed over again, but you have to pay about $150 in fees to satisfy the continuing education requirements. https://certification.comptia.org/continuing-education/how-to-renew/renewing-multiple-certifications -
beads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□Don't ya just hate those who grandfathered into those certs years ago for the not so new renewal rule?
- b/eads -
trueshrewkmc Member Posts: 107Hhmm.....yeah....imagine being A+ and A+-ce! CompTIA ce'ed my A+ after Sec+ even though I did not request it. Transcript shows A+ and A+-ce.
@Attempted Mustache
My CASP renewed my A+-ce and Sec+ out to the same expiration date as CASP.