Getting my A+ again

TheOxTheOx Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
Three years ago I passed the 800 series exam. The only tech job that I've been able to find is customer tech support for a wireless carrier (I should've declined it). After a year of hell at the phone company I'm looking to get a real tech job.

Has the A+ changed much in the past few years? I literally haven't used any A+ knowledge from the book that I read except for a few basic wifi settings for Windows 7. My job mainly consists of trying to convince customers to reset their phone to see if I need to mail them a warranty phone while they yell and curse at me. It's become apparent that promotions are few and far between so I'll soon be looking for another job.

Should I crack open my Mike Myers book from 3 years ago or should I look for newer materials?


  • AndersonSmithAndersonSmith Member Posts: 471 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You need to review current materials. The 800 series expired at the end of June and now the 900 series are the only exams available. Did your A+ completely expire yet? If not I'd recommend getting the Network+ instead because it will renew your A+ as well. The 900 series is completely different from the 800 series from what I've heard so you'll definitely need to study different materials.
    All the best,

    "Everything that has a beginning has an end"
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    Why do you want to renew it if you are not using it anyway? 3 years? I'd hope your goals have moved toward bigger and better (more specialized) training by this point. Did you do any study or prep while in your current position? Many times the key to being promoted is showing you ARE going someplace (whether gaining in knowledge or looking for something more specialized).

    Up to you, though.

    Download a current copy of the objectives and go over the things you know, highlight items you need to review / dig into to learn more about.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • trueshrewkmctrueshrewkmc Member Posts: 107
    I agree with Plantwiz. Why renew a cert you don't really like holding? If you sit Sec+ you will renew your A+ and could qualify for something better. I think Net+ also renews A+, but Sec+ trumps Net+. I earned A+ back in 1999, so I am A+ for life. No employer has asked me for A+ in 9 years.

    Without requesting it, I picked up A+-ce after passing Sec+ and extended it again with CASP.
  • TheOxTheOx Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I guess I worded my OP poorly. My A+ expired back in March. I currently don't have any certifications.

    I dont really want to get renew the A+ but I feel that it's necessary. My current job is technically a tech support position but it only involves dealing with cell phones.

    If anyone has ideas for me to leave the torture of being tethered to a headset I'm all ears.
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    I understood your original question.

    My question to you is, after three years, why bother going backwards in the cart family if the certain you first obtained you never bothered to use. Hence my comment (and maybe not a clear one) about what have you been doing to go forward? In the past three years, haven't you sought out additional training and study for yourself? If not, what interests you? Go seek out more specialized cents rather than going backward for some entry level certain that is one of most expensive (as it requires two exams).

    Additionally, my comment requiring, one being promoted/advancing tends to fall to the individual MAKING that happen for themselves with the continued study and improvement.

    Maybe it is time to seek out a college degree if you skipped that initially?

    While you may find your current job unfulfilling, it is a job for the moment, so seek out your next cert and go up, not backwards.

    I personally would not renew a cert I am NOT using and have less experience in than I had three years earlier..

    What interests you? That is where you head.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • trueshrewkmctrueshrewkmc Member Posts: 107
    I concur with Plantwiz about going up in certs, not down.

    If it were me, I would check or some other job search site and search for jobs by job titles that interest you. Once you figure out what interests you, look at the qualifications required. Indeed will also let you search by certification names and other qualification requirements.

    If you don't already belong to Linkedin or some other networking site, write a brief profile (include A+ without your CompTIA # and the expiration date) and join. Join some groups and lurk for awhile. You'll find many other people who aren't happy with their current jobs or who want to help other people just starting out in IT and other fields.

    If you seek out a college degree, make sure the college is regionally accredited and that its accreditation status is solid. I have a friend who attended a school with iffy status and she is now repeating her general education requirements at the junior college level. My friend thought she earned a bachelors degree.
  • ThePawofRizzoThePawofRizzo Member Posts: 389 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Really, at this stage of the game you should have some active IT certifications, whether you use those tasks day to day in your current job or not. Earning an A+ cert that you've let lapse isn't too impressive. If you want to have better opportunities in your IT future I'd say get to pursuing a degree in IT, or several certs - probably starting with renewing your A+ since you had it once, so should be able to renew more easily to at least get something on your resume. No time for college? I'd suggest getting to Network+ and Security+ rapidly, then moving onto goals based on your employment. Your job experience will be helpful, but you need some more on your resume, in my opinion, to get too many managers to look at you for other IT roles.

    I have numerous certs, a Bachelor's, and several AAS degrees in IT. In addition, I'm back in school working on another Bachelor's. I have learned, literally, hours upon hours about technology, terminology, OSes, networking, etc. that I don't use everyday at work. Not using something everyday in your current job does not mean you should not study for such. First, study for certs or coursework that matches your goals, and get degrees or certs to show you are always learning. Second, even if your job(s) don't use all the skills you spent learning about, the more you know the more versatile you are day to day, and the more valuable an employee you will potentially be. Educating yourself may not be for the opportunity you are currently in, but could be for the opportunity that presents itself in the future.

    Most of the IT guys - typically Helpdesk or Desktop Support roles - I know that are "stuck" in a dead end are there because they stopped learning. Your "lonely" expired A+ cert, being all you've accomplished in 3 years, tells me you aren't spending near the time you should be learning and thereby prepping for your future.

    Yes, get your A+ cert renewed...and then get several other certs or a degree. In doing so you will be better prepared to escape your current crappy job.
  • BetrayalBetrayal Member Posts: 108
    The A+ has changed over the past 3 years but not drastically. The old information still applies but there are new materials and technologies to be aware of.
  • desiree95desiree95 Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I am planning on taking the A+ 901/902. Failed the 801/802 right before it expired. What materials and exam simulator should I be looking at? Is A+ even worth it if I wanna stick to networking?

    Long-short story: I did a interview with IBM before just to see where I should continue the path of IT. The interviewer said I over think and like to tackle things so they suggest networking. Help me, I dont know whether to turn left or right on my IT career.
  • ladyfire3374ladyfire3374 Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    All the advice here is good, but trueshrewkmc nails it. Do those things!

    I also suggest looking on, which is devoted solely to IT jobs.

    Find an IT recruiter shop in your area, like teksystems, and have a lengthy conversation with them about what kind of jobs you would like and what is needed to get them. If they won't have this conversation and give you thoughtful advice, try another recruiter. Keep digging.
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