
Contacting company about fast tracking an interview

wtrwlkrwtrwlkr Member Posts: 138 ■■■□□□□□□□
So last week, I applied to two companies for similar roles. Company A and company B both replied for an initial phone screen, which I completed for both companies. Company B has just scheduled me for a final interview with the project manager, but I still haven't heard back from company A. For a couple of reasons, I want to work with company A over company B, but I'd take an offer from B if it were reasonable.

Do you think it would be a good idea to contact the recruiter from company A to let them know I have an interview with another company set up, but that i'd prefer to work with them if I'm a good fit? If so, what would be the best way to phrase it without it coming across as demanding or impatient? I just don't want to end up accepting an offer from B only to have A set me up for an interview afterwards that I couldn't accept. Thanks for the help everyone!


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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    Call the recruiter from company A and just say you have a final interview with Company B. Leave it at that.
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    thomas_thomas_ Member Posts: 1,012 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I did it once. I had an initial interview with a company that would have been really nice to work for. They wanted to call me back for a second round of interviews. Out of 120 applications they brought 10 people in for initial interviews and they were doing second interviews with 3-5 of the 10 people that were initially brought in.

    Between the time of my first interview and what would have been my second interview, I interviewed with another company and they offered me a job on the spot. I tried to push my start date out as far as I could and then contacted the recruiter of the other company.

    I explained that I had been offered a position at this other company, but I was extremely interested in the position I had interviewed for with them and wanted to know if there was any way they could push up my interview to a sooner date. The recruiter spoke with the hiring manager and got back to me. Ultimately, they said that they couldn't reschedule the interview and that they had other pretty solid candidates. I kind of got the impression they would hate to have me turn down a job offer holding out hope I would be hired with them, but not end up getting hired.

    I ended up taking the first job offer because I needed a job to pay the bills and it would have put me in a bad situation if I didn't get hired for the second job either. If I had more savings built up I would have probably rolled the dice and declined the first job offer to see if I could get the second job offer.

    I would just explain what the situation is to them. Worst case scenario is that they can't work with your situation. Best case scenario is they can interview you sooner and give you an offer before you have to commit to company B, if they extend you a reasonable offer.
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    TechGromitTechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
    wtrwlkr wrote: »
    Company B has just scheduled me for a final interview with the project manager, but I still haven't heard back from company A. For a couple of reasons, I want to work with company A over company B, but I'd take an offer from B if it were reasonable.

    I wouldn't say anything, if your offered the job at Company B take it, if the job with company A comes though, you could quit company B to work for Company A. You have to do what's best for you, not the company.

    I know a guy that had an OK paying job, but was offered a great new job that required security clearance. The company he was working for was going to send him away for training, but he thought he had this great new job lined up, he just quit to save the company he worked for some money and in a week or two he get his clearance. Well after waiting two months WITHOUT a job, income or unemployment, his clearance never came though. Do what's best for you NOT the company, they would lay you off in a heart beat without notice if it was convenient for them.
    Still searching for the corner in a round room.
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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    I am surprised they hired him without the clearance, I was offered a job, but needed a Top Secret clearance (I had a Secret). I accepted ( a dream job), but stayed at the job I was at. I kept asking, are you sure you can get me a top secret clearance (this was after what's his face revealed the secrets of the NSA). Well, they rescinded the offer after the Army said no way.
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    wtrwlkrwtrwlkr Member Posts: 138 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice guys. As an update, I ended up contacting company A just as thomas_ suggested, the recruiter didn't seem to be bothered by it, but he revealed they were in the offer stages with another candidate. I just completed my interview with B and after learning a bit more about the role, I'm actually more excited about accepting an offer from them, and they seemed to really like me as a candidate. I'll be sure to update if/when an offer materializes.
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