
Got my first real interview!

TechytachTechytach Member Posts: 140
It's for a small lan tech position, mostly fixing and setting up computers for a school district. Anyone worked for a school district before? What sort of questions do they ask? I have a feeling it won't be very technical.


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    CIOCIO Member Posts: 151
    I currently work for school district (k-12) and have to say I don't plan on ever doing so again. Low technology budget, low pay, older technologies and slower tech upgrades. We recently upgraded to Win 7

    On the plus side, it's a stress free environment and you get a pension.
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    tmtextmtex Member Posts: 326 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yea I knew a guy who worked for a ISD (School District) . Haven't seen him in a couple of years, and he was way older then me. He didn't make much. I would say 20.00 or less, had every cert you could think of, total dork. They were very behind in times. if your younger then 45 you may not know what it is but they we all Novell and Groupwise email LOL. Probably still are.

    BTW, Novell was a bullet proof NOS.
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    CIOCIO Member Posts: 151
    I can top that. We don't even have a domain.... We have about 300 teachers between three campuses and 50 supporting staff. Every school year, my co-worker and I have to update each computer. After my first year, i decided to make barebone clones for each grade level (Each grade level has different software requirements).

    It's not the best solution but it helps a little.
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