
IT Job search

ITSpectreITSpectre Member Posts: 1,040 ■■■■□□□□□□
Greetings all...

I have been studying and searching for a different IT job as my contract ended with my current employer. So far I have had some bites and recently went on a few interviews. The issue that I am running into... I will get the interview, but no call back for a offer.
The last job interview I recently went on, they told me everything about the job, and then we talked about my experience... then that was it. The phone interviews are a piece of cake... but I never seem to get the job offer after the face to face. I did have a good phone interview with my old employer to go to Georgia they liked me, I was very detailed in my answers, and they liked the 3 reasons I gave them as to why I wanted to work for them again.

What is funny though... recruiters have been calling me non stop! So far to date I have never gotten a job from a recruiter... so I do not waste my time with them. I recently got off the phone with a recruiter looking to hire a information security specialist...but then said I did not fit because I did not have enough desktop experience. Which is BS because if she read my resume I would fit the bill....

Honestly I believe recruiters just get you to call them back just to get a contact from you so they can meet their quota. there are some good ones out there, but that is like finding a needle in a haystack. icon_lol.gif
In the darkest hour, there is always a way out - Eve ME3 :cool:
“The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone.” – Thane Krios


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    culpanoculpano Member Posts: 163
    Recruitment companies on the whole are appalling. They are an utter waste of time. One agency rang me and said one job entailed a detailed knowledge of SCCM. I told them I didn't have any hands-on with SCCM but I have had a lot of past experience with SMS. She then said the job was £13.50 an hour ! I said to her "have you any idea how big a product SCCM is ?" She then said she was struggling to get this position filled ! Ok this is not the agency's fault in this case but surely any decent IT agency would laugh at a company offering £13.50 an hour for an SCCM expert.
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    Russell77Russell77 Member Posts: 161
    Getting a job offer is like going to an auction. Getting and offer depends on who you are up against. At an auction if you are in a room with people with deep pockets you are probably going to get out bid. Think about the odds of getting a job on a typical job posting. 100 people may send in resumes. The first 10-12 that look like they qualify get sent over to the manager. the manager chooses 4-6 people to interview. 1 person gets chosen who may or may not accept the offer. Then sending the manager back to the list or a request further resumes. Your odds of getting an offer after a face to face are about 1 in 6 so don't feel rejected, just keep going until you find the next job. Sooner or later you are in the right place at the right time.
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    MeanDrunkR2D2MeanDrunkR2D2 Member Posts: 899 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Recruiters can and do work for sure so I wouldn't brush them off without at least listening to them. I've picked up jobs in the past from recruiters and some do direct placement for clients as well which I have had a few times in my career.

    Now, there are some bad ones out there that aren't worth your time and you can figure that out quickly. The good ones though will dig in and find out why they went another route with an employee. One that happened to me earlier this week turned me down (I wouldn't have known otherwise) because I didn't want to move my family for a job that likely would end in 3 months no matter how great I was. They liked me, they liked my background and experience, but they didn't want to have me move and then before I'm even settled in I'm looking for another job and that would hurt my family a bunch. Yes, the pay was great, but not worth it to risk being unemployed.

    You'll quickly find out who the good ones are and those that suck, just make sure you make a note that they suck so you can avoid them when they call/email you again.
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    beadsbeads Member Posts: 1,531 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Well, I have no idea what the market is off planet Earth but so I can only speak of Terran recruiters. Most recruiters here on this planet fairly well suck at what they do and you'll learn the early warning signs, for example: Sound like they just graduated from college; No idea what they are really recruiting; Asks inappropriate questions for the field. You get the idea. Others, who have been in the field awhile and have honed their skills to a fine edge, don't waste my time and ask good questions - are worth GOLD.

    Unfortunately, recruiters are a fact of life and once they get a hold of your resume will likely call you for the next 2-5 years, if not longer, from the time they collected, harvested or profiled in some way off of social media.

    Dust is about the only thing that will stop a recruiter from calling. For that matter I suspect I could post my own death certificate on my LinkedIn page and it would generate a call or two. Go ponder.

    - b/eads
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