
Turning Videos into Mp3 for my commuting to work

BennyTheManBennyTheMan Member Posts: 76 ■■■□□□□□□□
I am a high school teacher and was planning on studying and taking the 100-101 during my summer vacation. Well, I studied a lot but unfortunately have not reached the place where I need to be to take the test. Now I am trying to get ready to take the 100-105 in the spring. Since I have a longish commute (35 min.), I was planning on turning videos into mp3s and listening to them in my car. Can I have peoples' opinions on which videos would work best for this purpose. Some may be too visual, but there may be some that I could learn a lot from just listening to the audio from. I have done this in the past with MIT opencourseware and it worked out.

Any ideas?




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