Is it true that you need to pass all 5 chapters in the exam in order to pass? So if you pass 4 chapters and fail one dismally, does this mean you will fail?
RMilitzer Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
No, you can fail one domain and still pass as long as your total score is above the minimum required. However, if you fail one dismally, it may be difficult to earn enough points on the rest to pass. -
Lady_SouthAfrica Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Thank you. Do you know of any sources for free online QAE? The book is hard to carry around everyday and I want to prepare even at work -
big4serv4ant Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
As you're applying to become an auditor, maybe you should consider paying for the material. -
Remedymp Member Posts: 834 ■■■■□□□□□□
This book is actually very helpful. . It help boost my scores. -
Lady_SouthAfrica Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have the CISA QAE book but I can't be studying at work. That is why I want the online CISA QAE so that I can study at work as well -
big4serv4ant Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
as previously stated, it would be more appropriate for you to pay for the ISACA QAE material for the ISACA provided exam. -
coffeeisgood Member Posts: 136 ■■■□□□□□□□
best study material?
the official Q&A's database... i had the printed one for the CISA although I am using the online one for the CISM and like it better. (online one costs a little more)
second best study material for the CISA, IMHO?
the unofficial sybex CISA study guide. it is actually readable... if you need some help with the concepts, etc give that book a run