GCIH Practice test to gift!
Practice test expires Oct 18th
PM me your Account ID and I'll gift it.
First come first served!
PM me your Account ID and I'll gift it.
First come first served!
Mike7 Member Posts: 1,112 ■■■■□□□□□□I am interested. Have tried to PM but since this is your first post you are unable to receive PM.
Mike7 Member Posts: 1,112 ■■■■□□□□□□Don't worry Mike7, you're first I'll work it out!
IaHawk Member Posts: 188 ■■■□□□□□□□Planning on taking the GCIH this fall/winter. Did you write up a review? How was your experience? I've taken GSEC and CISSP via OnDemand course, planning on doing the GCIH at a live event.
enderst Member Posts: 7 ■■■□□□□□□□I didn't review it. There are plenty of reviews.
If you've never taken a live SANS course, you should enjoy SEC504.