
Bootstrap prompt

Mr.PingMr.Ping Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi guys.
If you set the boot field of the configuration register to 1, it boots to the bootstrap prompt.What is the bootstrap prompt and of what significance is it since it is not the mini ios image in rom and neither is it rommon mode- from my understanding.(If you have access to a router please try editing the configuration register n shre the knowledge) Thanx.
You were born to lead but have to become a leader just like you were born male but have to become a man-Myles Munroe.


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    twiggy87twiggy87 Inactive Imported Users Posts: 43 ■■□□□□□□□□
    If you set the config-register to 0x2101 that means your booting into mini-ios.

    00 = rommon
    01 = mini-ios
    02-0F = "normal" boot conditions

    Mini-ios is just a stripped down version of the IOS in rom that has a bit of IP code in it.
    If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.
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