Is This Enough Study Prep for the 901 and 902 Series ?

thelazyporterthelazyporter Registered Users Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□

After going through some of the threads here, i have gleaned that the following study prep should be enough to clear the A+ 900 series ?

i) Mike Myers - Free Videos Online

ii) Exam Cram by David L. Prowse

iii) Exam Cram - Practice Book

Doubts on the following : Do i need any thing else, as these books are 30$ bucks a pop on amazon, so i'd like to keep the spending as low as possible, but am willing to spend on anything else which is deemed necessary.

Would you recommend anything else such as Quentin Docter's Deluxe Study Guide Perhaps or Professor Myers is E-Book ? Also, is "Cybrary" a good source for additonal study prep ?

Thanks in Advance,


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