Road to my CCIE
I started my CCIE studies several weeks ago (once I purchased the Routing TCP/IP Volumes). I have been reading through volume 1 and decided it might be time to put this all down into a thread!
Routing TCP/IP (CCIE Professional Development): Volume 1
Routing TCP/IP (CCIE Professional Development): Volume 2
Cisco LAN Switching (CCIE Professional Development)
End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks, 2nd Edition
MPLS Fundamentals
CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 Official Cert Guide: Volume 1
CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 Official Cert Guide: Volume 2
Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition)
Developing IP Multicast Networks: Volume 1
Cisco Self-Study: Implementing Cisco IPv6 Networks
Video Training
INE - CCIE Routing & Switching Written Exam Bundle
INE - CCIE Routing & Switching Advance Technologies
CBT Nuggets CCIE Video Series 1.0 - 5.0
I will also be looking at purchasing some additional INE videos as and when I feel I may need them.
Lab wise, I will be using GNS3 (for mostly routing), a home lab (looking to purchase some layer 3 switches to add to my layer layer 2 switches and routers). I have got some, and may look to also purchase some INE rack rental tokens.
If anyone has any tips or recommended material I may have missed feel free to tell me!
Routing TCP/IP (CCIE Professional Development): Volume 1
Routing TCP/IP (CCIE Professional Development): Volume 2
Cisco LAN Switching (CCIE Professional Development)
End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks, 2nd Edition
MPLS Fundamentals
CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 Official Cert Guide: Volume 1
CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 Official Cert Guide: Volume 2
Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition)
Developing IP Multicast Networks: Volume 1
Cisco Self-Study: Implementing Cisco IPv6 Networks
Video Training
INE - CCIE Routing & Switching Written Exam Bundle
INE - CCIE Routing & Switching Advance Technologies
CBT Nuggets CCIE Video Series 1.0 - 5.0
I will also be looking at purchasing some additional INE videos as and when I feel I may need them.
Lab wise, I will be using GNS3 (for mostly routing), a home lab (looking to purchase some layer 3 switches to add to my layer layer 2 switches and routers). I have got some, and may look to also purchase some INE rack rental tokens.
If anyone has any tips or recommended material I may have missed feel free to tell me!
2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ]
EANx Member Posts: 1,077 ■■■■■■■■□□
Glad to see you "officially" start. Do you have a timeline? A sense of what your personal hurdles will be? -
OfWolfAndMan Member Posts: 923 ■■■■□□□□□□
Good to finally see this post man! Good luck on your journey, and have fun!:study:Reading: Lab Books, Ansible Documentation, Python Cookbook 2018 Goals: More Ansible/Python work for Automation, IPSpace Automation Course [X], Build Jenkins Framework for Network Automation [] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Thanks guys!
@EANx, I am looking to follow Brian's advice from INE, work on both the written and lab, and about 3 months before I feel ready for the lab do the written. My CCNP is up to renew Jan 2018, so hopefully get the written by that point (as I think this recerts my CCNP!).
Thanks Wolf! Glad to see you have started your journey also! Hopefully we will get our numbers at similar times!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
GT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
Yes the written will recert basically all certs (NA, NP, IE) that you have and reset the clock.
If you like the INE videos, I would suggest just getting the all access pass. Wait for a promo, but I just got their 1 year that included 500 tokens, which for $1000 is a pretty good deal. Thats all the videos and workbooks, its like 500hrs+ in R/S alone.
Good luck with it! -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Yes the written will recert basically all certs (NA, NP, IE) that you have and reset the clock.
If you like the INE videos, I would suggest just getting the all access pass. Wait for a promo, but I just got their 1 year that included 500 tokens, which for $1000 is a pretty good deal. Thats all the videos and workbooks, its like 500hrs+ in R/S alone.
Good luck with it!
Thanks for confirming, I do like the INE videos, but I prefer the thought of downloading the videos, hence the CCIE Exam Bundle! Work paid for it, so maybe I will look at the AAP in future.2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Update 1
So I've decided to provide a list of my progress so far, I have reading through the CCIE Routing TCP/IP Vol 1 book. Now I am running through this again whilst typing notes up into OneNote.
So far, I have run through chapters 1 - 7. I finished chapter 8 yesterday (EIGRP) - this was a big chapter! Whilst reading and taking notes I managed to go through the INE Written videos for EIGRP and do some labs in GNS3 following INE workbook labs.
Today, I have spent most of the day running Chapter 9 - OSPF. This chapter is absolutely huge! I've managed to get about 62 pages through the OSPF chapter whilst note taking. Not managed to do any labs or videos tonight so this will be my plan tomorrow whilst ploughing through the chapter.
Jeff Doyle's book is fantastic, the explanation of OSPF and how it all fits together really is pushing up my CCNP knowledge up to that next level!
Also purchased a couple of Cisco 3750 switches tonight from Ebay so this will certainly help labbing the switch technologies!
2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
Awesome man! I will be subscribed and tuning into your progress! I myself plan to get my offical start sometime near 2nd quarter 2017. Right now I am just casually reading Comer's TCP/IP Vol1 and will jump to TCP/IP illustrated with some sparse video watching.
I look forward to keeping up with your progress and wish you the best of luck mate!Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
"Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Danielh22185 wrote: »Awesome man! I will be subscribed and tuning into your progress! I myself plan to get my offical start sometime near 2nd quarter 2017. Right now I am just casually reading Comer's TCP/IP Vol1 and will jump to TCP/IP illustrated with some sparse video watching.
I look forward to keeping up with your progress and wish you the best of luck mate!
Thanks man! Defintely start on your journey! Recently looks like quite a few guys on TE have started their own journey's. The Routing TCP/IP books are fantastic - look forward to seeing your thread!
Update 2
So I have been a bit buried at work currently. I've been working on a project at work involving PIM Sparse-Mode. I've been buried in configuration and troubleshooting of that in the core of one of our networks. I have been buried in RFC's and White Papers for Multicast.. it makes me think I should have started on Multicast in my CCIE studies!
I'm still running through OSPF (Chapter 9) in Routing TCP/IP Vol 1, nearly finished though - got about 20 pages left of the chapter and quite a wad of study notes! I've managed to run through some CCIE INE Videos also to suppliment the chapter!
Hopefully after this Multicast project stuff at work I can crack on more with studies after work!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Update 3
Busy week at work on the Multicast I posted previously. Managed to finish off the OSPF chatper from Routing TCP/IP - been running through some labs and gone through nearly all the OSPF INE Written videos. Hoping to get this squared away tomorrow, so I can then crack on with some Intermidate System to Intermediate System (it's a new topic for me so should pose some challenges)!
Planning to get an understand of all technologies (from books and videos) then really go deep into labs and RFC's as Brian suggest from INE!
2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Update 4
It has been a short while since my last update, so probably a time to post one!
OSPF chapter finished, I have been labbing. I managed to jump over to the Multicast chapter in Routing TCP/IP Vol 2 and do some reading through that for work. Going to spend some time this weekend now going through Chapter 10 - Integrated IS-IS. This will be a fun challenge, like most people I haven't really worked or studied IS-IS so it will be a new beast for me to study!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Update 5
Been a few days, I have started on IS-IS now! Read the chapter in Routing TCP/IP vol1 - and taken all notes! Now just going through the INE videos on this to cement the knowledge.. I may do some labs, but only really to confirm my knowledge from the books/videos.
On a side note, I purchased the deep-dive Multicast INE videos using a 35% discount code in cyber-monday, fantastic set of videos and really good for work (and I'm sure CCIE)!
2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Been a while since my last update! You will all be glad to hear I am still pursuing my studies - even with the Christmas break! Managed to all get the INE Advanced Technologies series for a huge discount !
Since my last post:
Completed reading/notes CCIE Routing TCP/IP Vol 1 book!
Completed reading/notes CCIE Routing/Switching v5.0 Vol 1 OCG!
Just run through some INE videos tonight on Layer 2!
Feel like having a bit of a break away from Routing right now as I have hit that hard so much since starting months ago!
Updates to come soon..........
2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
ninjaturtle Member Posts: 245 ■■■□□□□□□□
@EANx, I am looking to follow Brian's advice from INE, work on both the written and lab, and about 3 months before I feel ready for the lab do the written. My CCNP is up to renew Jan 2018, so hopefully get the written by that point (as I think this recerts my CCNP!).
Cheers,Current Study Discipline: CCIE Data Center
Cisco SEAL, Cisco SWAT, Cisco DeltaForce, Cisco FBI, Cisco DoD, Cisco Army Rangers, Cisco SOCOM .ιlι..ιlι. -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Been a while since I have posted back on here recently. Things have been manic at work, but managed to keep a constant stream of studying going along at the same time. I've even resulted to keeping a track now of what I have done every day and how much - managing to hit 2/3 hours every day - which I'm please with but going to have to ramp that up over time!
Updates study wise, got a Safari-Books subscription, so really starting to drill through the books now!
Finished section 2,3,4 and 5 of the blueprint. Even with a bit of labbing! Not touched DMVPN before so found that really interesting. Also, not part of the actual Blueprint, but found myself studying a bit on FlexVPN as we may start utilising that more at work and a project has come about!
Finished half of section 6, and just literally finished the QoS section today. That was hard going! I had to actually stop reading and go through INE's ATC section to try and get a grasp of the topic (I know the basics, but the books were quite daunting)!
Anyway, onto Network Services next, which should be fun as I haven't look at HSRP, VRRP etc for a while!
My current pattern seems to be go through the section with some books and the INE videos. Then my plan is to go back around it and read more books and more notes to add to my current knowledge. Maybe build flash cards etc. Trying to pick up as much knowledge as possible and go to the real deep dive stuff when I come back around!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
NOC-Ninja Member Posts: 1,403
Maybe its just me, maybe I am getting old but I learn more from books than in video. Dont get me wrong. Ive watched all the videos out there, from INE, CBT and IPexpert. -
JustFred Member Posts: 678 ■■■□□□□□□□
Maybe its just me, maybe I am getting old but I learn more from books than in video. Dont get me wrong. Ive watched all the videos out there, from INE, CBT and IPexpert.
You are not the only one. I'm the same way. I can find it hard watching videos, while reading helps me learn and remember things better so i generally always read. I have a friend who can watch tech videos and remember everything, yet can't read a tech book pass a few pages until boredom sets in. Everyone just learns differently.[h=2]"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true." Spock[/h] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Completely agree all, I went through the videos to give me a better high level understanding of what the topic is.. then I can go through the books and pick up the more detailed information.2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
I think watching a video before reading technical paperwork, makes digesting the technical reading much easier, so I opt for videos before reading myself.
Then again I hold no CCIE -
carterw65 Member Posts: 318 ■■■□□□□□□□
Just read through your thread. Keep it up! I should have had this done moons ago. I see you have done a bit of reading, I need to do more rather than just labbing. I started reading TCP/IP Vol 1 again. -
rogerjones43 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi, my name is Sara I am a student of CCIE Security. First if all thanks for the sharing this post. It is amazing and full of information. Today I am here for share my experience of CCIE Security. Recently I passed my CCIE Security Lab after 2 times failed. I prepared my lab by INE and failed most of the topics are incorrect and hard to understand then I will try it again by myself. I've searched a lot of study material related to my lab exam but no vain. Then my teacher introduces me and prefer me to try it again on behalf of him. I try I again and prepare my lab by Lab4ccie CCIE Security Lab Workbook. After the exam day I realize all the topics are easy to learn and to the point, there are no additional points added in the ****. I've got 76% in my exam happy to pass the exam after 2 times failed. Visit Lab4ccie and get [URL="javascript:;"]CCIE Security Lab ****[/URL] and pass easily. -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Wow, just seen I haven't updated this thread for quite some time!
- Finished bulk of my reading, been through the blueprint once already and taken notes on all subjects in OneNote, really have built up quite a bulk of notes!
- Basically swung back around the blueprint and run through the INE ATC video series, starting to deep dive into some topics, cannot believe how much I have learnt from the videos, I have also started labbing the topics!
Currently hit through section 1 and 2 of the blueprint, run through a bulk of section 3 and currently polishing off OSPF, should get that done in the next few days, then on to BGP!
Strange as it is, I am really starting to feel the knowledge coming together slowly, the INE videos are really brilliant (if not a bit intense!). I have started building Anki flashcard decks, starting to help me keep the knowledge up to date and fresh!
Will check back soon!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Long time no post.
Just recertified my CCNP last week. Took the Tshoot, easy exam due to all the CCIE study I have been doing and the experience/knowledge I gained over the last 2 and a bit years!
Back on the CCIE this week, last couple of days I've spent reading back through my notes, bringing myself back upto speed where I was and where I need to do more work.
Hopefully I should get through all my notes, currently just finished Multicast Layer 3 so onto IGP's and BGP now. Posted a post on TE regarding VIRL as my company are happy to get me a license, so I will be purchasing a system next week to install VIRL on and spin up a decent topology so I can begin labbing Route/Switch properly and obviously all the other topics!2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
denfrombe Member Posts: 17 ■□□□□□□□□□
Good idea 'bout VIRL. I use it too for finishing my CCNP.
By the way, I didn't want to deal with a system at home, I just rent a server on Packet when I do labs.
Keep us posted for the next steps ! -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Thanks Denfrombe. In all honesty I was looking at Packet, my company would have sponsored it but to be honest I was quicker setting up VIRL and it’s good to have as I may move jobs soonish!
No major update on my journey.. I have stopped since Xmas Eve until the new year, really feel I need to rest after a long year at work and studies.
I have found that I have been through all the books mentioned and taken notes. I have also just purchased today the CCIE R&S workbook from INE (it’s on a sale).. I did get a copy previously but thought I would purchase as they are very good.. my next job starting January 2nd is to go through all labs on the workbook and lab each one on VIRL to keep my hands on skill up and continue reading notes. I will likely spend a week or so on each topic (depending on the topic).
Enjoy the break all guys and happy new year, let’s hope we all get what we want from certifications/study in the new year 🙂2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hey All
I haven't posted on here for a long time!
So to be honest over the last few months the studies have been on and off.
I got married and moved jobs! To be honest the move in job really has done me good working daily on R+S for a banking firm so I also get really hands on with Multicast! My firm have also got me an AAP - so the studies are back on!
I have been circling round on my old notes and started building flash cards!
I've also started committing to preparing for the lab so that means more labbing! I've invested 1500 in a Dell XPS rig so I can soon up GNS3 with 15+ nodes !2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi All,
Not sure how active these forums are these days. But I wanted to share with those that are interested that last week I passed the CCIE EI exam.
My original post on here was 8 years ago! And I transitioned through jobs, moved house, got married and had 2 kids during that time!The last 2 years I took my preparation extremely seriously and today I stand as a CCIE.Happy to share my experience and what training materials I used if anyone is still lurking here and interested.2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ] -
volfkhat Member Posts: 1,083 ■■■■■■■■□□
bharvey92 said:Hi All,
Not sure how active these forums are these days. But I wanted to share with those that are interested that last week I passed the CCIE EI exam.
My original post on here was 8 years ago! And I transitioned through jobs, moved house, got married and had 2 kids during that time!The last 2 years I took my preparation extremely seriously and today I stand as a CCIE.Happy to share my experience and what training materials I used if anyone is still lurking here and interested.
You forgot about the Pandemic!
Congratulations sir!
Finally a ZOMBIE THREAD worth reading.
I feel kind of inspired now.
maybe i'll go... watch some Netflix
I wonder what WolfMan would say if he was here today...
UnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
bharvey92 said:Hi All,
Not sure how active these forums are these days. But I wanted to share with those that are interested that last week I passed the CCIE EI exam.
My original post on here was 8 years ago! And I transitioned through jobs, moved house, got married and had 2 kids during that time!The last 2 years I took my preparation extremely seriously and today I stand as a CCIE.Happy to share my experience and what training materials I used if anyone is still lurking here and interested.