Do you reject random people on Linkedin?
I get a lot of random adds for some reason. I reject them all.
NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□I just accept everyone, its linkedin... I don't care if anyone sees my profile on there and figure can't hurt if more people are looking at it. I did block one person the other day cause they kept sending me stuff and trying selling me on their product though.
DatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,760 ■■■■■■■■■■If they are sales or some weird guy/gal with a one liner in their profile, immediately reject. Recruiters, people with similar skill sets or similar industries I accept.
byron66 Member Posts: 169 ■■■□□□□□□□Oddly enough I like to follow people careers and see how they progressed over the years. It gives me an idea on what to work for and it's cool seeing where people started.CCNA A+ N+ Sec+
Replicon Member Posts: 124 ■■■□□□□□□□Depends, mostly I accept majority of the requests, but if someones picture is more suited for Facebook then I will reject, or if I get totaly unrelated request from a person in India or Cambodia that works in totally unrelated field
Iristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 ModI reject the ones that are out of the states that I have no chance of meeting professionally, recruiters, etc. I usually add the other folks in IT or from TE
PC509 Member Posts: 804 ■■■■■■□□□□I check to see if they are relevant to me. Same field, etc..
I'm working on a IT Pro user group in the area, so I'm getting a couple interested people from that. Also, I do a lot of Windows volunteer work, so people find me from that, too. I've found some nice people to work with in the past. From magazine articles to book reviews to whatever. A few recruiters, but not that much. I generally shoot them down nicely, though.
Random people that share nothing in common with me? I've only had one of those throughout the years. I have had a few people from overseas using pictures from someone else, though. Use a cute little gal from Seattle's picture. Yet, they are from India. Google image reverse search comes up with that pic with a completely different name and location. They wanted me to review a piece of software. I couldn't do it. They screwed up the trust right off the bat. -
amcnow Member Posts: 215 ■■■■□□□□□□Funny enough, the majority of random adds for me are recruiters. I just accept them. You never know when you might actually need them.WGU - Master of Science, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
Completed: JIT2, TFT2, VLT2, C701, C702, C706, C700, FXT2
In Progress: C688
Remaining: LQT2Aristotle wrote:For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. -
EANx Member Posts: 1,077 ■■■■■■■■□□Random people usually get the boot, unless I can see where we have a connection of a connection. I'm willing to give them a greater benefit of the doubt if they have a tech-sounding title as opposed to a sales title or, even worse a low-level-manager-trying-to-sound-mid-or-exec-level.
cyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 ModI only accept people I know in some capacity. This includes in-person (coworkers, school, from conferences, vendor events, training, etc.) or from the interwebs (forums, GIAC Advisory Board, etc.) I never accept random recruiters or random people just because they are in the InfoSec space. Lately I've been getting an influx of security students and security vendors. Also, I work for a company that is a pretty attractive target so that makes me overly paranoid. The amount of fake profiles that hit me on a monthly basis is ridiculous. I see it on the positive side as a chance to keep my OSINT capabilities up to speed.
thomas_ Member Posts: 1,012 ■■■■■■■■□□I had someone with my exact same first name and last name try to add me. I declined that one.
gespenstern Member Posts: 1,243 ■■■■■■■■□□I do, unless they supply their request with some message like "hey, it's this or that mate from TE", lol.
mbarrett Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□Most of the time, I only include people I have actually met or spoken with over the phone.
tmtex Member Posts: 326 ■■■□□□□□□□Funny enough, the majority of random adds for me are recruiters. I just accept them. You never know when you might actually need them.
I never got anything from them -
TacoRocket Member Posts: 497 ■■■■□□□□□□My stuff is open on LinkedIn. Doesn't matter to me. I will unfriend if you try to sell or add me after a cert and want to study with me...These articles and posts are my own opinion and do not reflect the view of my employer.
Website gave me error for signature, check out what I've done here: -
yoba222 Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■■■■■□□I'm on the fence still on this one. If it's a total stranger from out of state with vaguely similar skill sets, it might just be a you endorse me and I'll endorse you situation. Easy free endorsements, if you're into collecting them and don't might sleazy, insincere endorsements. Again, on the fence.A+, Network+, CCNA, LFCS,
Security+, eJPT, CySA+, PenTest+,
Cisco CyberOps, GCIH, VHL,
In progress: OSCP -
JustFred Member Posts: 678 ■■■□□□□□□□Iristheangel wrote: »I reject the ones that are out of the states that I have no chance of meeting professionally, recruiters, etc. I usually add the other folks in IT or from TE
Ah so this is why i never saw an e-mail from you about being accepted hehehe[h=2]"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true." Spock[/h] -
Mike7 Member Posts: 1,114 ■■■■■□□□□□Same here.
I accept most connections especially from recruiters but not before I viewed their profile and do a Google Image Search of their photos. There were one time where the person's photo was used for 5 different LinkedIn profiles. -
Mike7 Member Posts: 1,114 ■■■■■□□□□□TacoRocket wrote: »My stuff is open on LinkedIn. Doesn't matter to me. I will unfriend if you try to sell or add me after a cert and want to study with me...
MrAgent Member Posts: 1,310 ■■■■■■■■□□I used to accept anyone who added me, but I recently stopped, and had to remove anyone who wasn't in the US.
gkca Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□I used to accept anyone who added me, but I recently stopped, and had to remove anyone who wasn't in the US."I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." (c) Nick Helm
scaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 ModYes, I reject people. Esp from India.Never let your fear decide your fate....
MrAgent Member Posts: 1,310 ■■■■■■■■□□Maybe now I'll go review my linkedin and remove anyone who isn't in Canada, just in case lol
Can't go into detail but, I do this because I am required to by my employer. -
gkca Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□Can't go into detail but, I do this because I am required to by my employer."I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." (c) Nick Helm
gkca Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□DatabaseHead wrote: »@MrAgent - Maybe we should all consider this."I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." (c) Nick Helm