CCNA for Network+ study material ?

LethalKnowledgeLethalKnowledge Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm currently in college and just got my A+ about a week ago. My school has a req that we need to get both the A+ and the Net+ to graduate, the thing about that is that so far for our school the pass rate for Net+ is 10% even with people that have been in the IT field for years in our class (lol I know it sounds crazy but its true).
So my question is would I be able to study for my CCNA(I plan on actually going for the CCNA as well) and use that information to pass the Network+ ? or do you think it would be better to just go over Net+? In class, I've learned Net+ and CCNA but that was almost a year ago now so basically I'd just be refreshing on the concepts that I'm not so familiar with.


  • PocketLumberjackPocketLumberjack Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I have my Network+ and an I currently studying for the CCNA and what I am finding is that they have very different objectives. If you need to get the Network+ study for the Network+, if you need the CCNA study for the CCNA. If you just show up to the Network+ exam with years of experience but no studying you are going to fail, it is very broad and is not something you can just take. So get you Nework+ first and studying for you CCNA will be easier, from what I understand they are 2 very different exams.
    Learn some thing new every day, but don’t forget to review things you know.
  • LethalKnowledgeLethalKnowledge Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    That makes sense, I was just trying to figure out what path to take. Also, are you studying to take the icnd1? or the composite CCNA test? I'm wondering if I should just go the composite path or take icnd1 and go from there?
  • zenboyzenboy Member Posts: 196
    IMO, what's the point in getting the Network+ when you can get a higher certification if you passed? I would suggest to study for the CCNA and try to pass it several times around if you must, and then if not, take a step back and try the Network+ instead.
    Whether you pass the CCNA or not, at least you gain some knowledge from the CCNA materials that could may be covered in Network+. This way, you can assess where your strength is regarding your knowledge without wasted effort.
    So of like killing 2 birds with one stone if you can pass the CCNA.
    "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few" - S.Suzuki
  • PocketLumberjackPocketLumberjack Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
    @LethalKnowledge - I am doing the 2 test option and I am taking my time so I retain it better. I am focused on developing my skills more than just getting the cert. I feel like it is a lot of content and breaking it up into 2 tests will make it more manageable, but that is just my opinion.

    @zenboy - I feel, so far in my studies, that Network+ is more broad than the CCNA. Also we always talk about using more than one source for a cert, so why not use more than one cert for a skill? That's the way I look at it. It also sounds like the OP is required to do Network+ but interested in the CCNA.
    Learn some thing new every day, but don’t forget to review things you know.
  • PPP123PPP123 Member Posts: 25 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I passed the Network+ about 2 months ago.

    I much prefer the CCENT course as it goes into much more detail on subjects- unlike Network+ which has a large range of topics with minimal knowledge on each one.

    Looking back I think the Network+ was a waste of money and wish I went straight into CCENT/CCNA.

    But you only really find these things out for yourself :D
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