
Study blogs used on Linkedin / Resume to better sell yourself?

ande0255ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
I have my CCNP blog in my signature on my linkedin a couple places, to make sure that if a hiring manager for a good position comes across my profile, he has a link that shows my level of dedication to bettering myself as an IT professional.

However, would it be grossly inappropriate to add at least the website name of the blog you use to track progress on a resume, maybe even be able to use it as a talking point during interviews... Like if they ask "Whats your greatest weakness?" or "What area do you need to improve yourself professionally?"

I usually say organization, but have few good back stories that don't make me sound incompetent to back it up, so say I hard a horrid time keeping track of my study notes so I created a website to keep all my notes and examples of work for future reference on exams or on the job.

What do you think, is the study blog a bit too much for a resume?


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