Passed OS exam... finally A+ certified

gpapagpapa Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
Passed my OS exam today with lucky 7's - 777. Now i am finally a+ certified. It feels great to have my first certification - and it was definetely a great learning experience studying for both the HW and OS exams. Next up is Network+.

I'm now finishing up college with a Bachelors in Computer Information Systems - realizing what a waste it was (learning wise) for what i wanted to do (I AM NOT DISCOURAGING ANYONE FROM GOING TO COLLEGE, JUST CHOOSE MAJORS WISELY). Studying for these certifications are a better way to go - since you learn more about practical things that are in use today, instead of all theory.

As for everyone who needs advice, Mike Meyers AIO is the way to go, as well as as many practice exams as you can get your hands on. Also read the objectives from CompTia and make sure you know what each topic is.

Thanks everyone for the great advice, and great website! I'll see you all on the Network+ forum!


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