Going for CCDA in a week or two

matt333matt333 Member Posts: 276 ■■■■□□□□□□
Hey Guys,
I watched the CBT Nugget videos and read through OCG CCDA Edition 5 twice and did all the review questions. I feel pretty ready but any additional areas I should nail down before taking the exam?

Cisco raise the price so I really don't want to give them anymore money then I need too

Thanks in advance!
Studying: Automating Everything, network API's, Python etc.. 


  • OctalDumpOctalDump Member Posts: 1,722
    Wireless? BGP? Voice?

    Those were the things that tripped me up when I ran through my first review. What's nice (or not, depending on your view) is how much content overlaps with other streams and CCNP R+S.
    2017 Goals - Something Cisco, Something Linux, Agile PM
  • broli720broli720 Member Posts: 394 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Looks like you have it covered. Don't forget the basics like AD for the major routing protocols. I take it on the 29th myself so hopefully we both pass!
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