Comptia 902 advice.. Cant seem to pass the 902

in A+
Hey Guys Hope All Is Well . Ive taken the Comptia 901 and passed it back in Oct 2016. Ive scheduled to take the Comptia 902 TWICE and have failed both times (640 out of 700 1st time- 591 out of 700 2nd time) Im in desperate need for some advice at this point because Ive literally exhausted all options and my confidence is in the trenches right now. Took the Comptia 902 yesterday and thought I passed for sure end results were worse than the first time. But anyway if anyone is willing to point me in the right direction and help me it would be greatly appreciated.
ThePawofRizzo Member Posts: 389 ■■■■□□□□□□
First, you failed but your scores aren't completely the ****. If you score 300 I'd say, "you better go back to the drawing board". But you've passed the 901, and your 902 scores show that some of the information is staying in your brain. That score difference is likely just indicative of a different pool of questions, and the 2nd pool just had more of the questions that you need to brush up with.
What are you doing to prepare? Knowing what material you are using, how long you've been studying, and how you go about preparing could help people identify some spots to recommend. -
Kingshad336 Member Posts: 12 ■■□□□□□□□□
well now im going through professor messer videos as we speak thats something i didnt try before. I did purchase his course notes and quiz which i thought was enough but apparently it wasnt. By going through his videos Im finding some things i thought was correct but really isnt.. SO hopefully this works out.. im studying day in and day out ...ive been studying for a couple months now but i was also in a bad car accident and I'm having some memory issues as a result but I dont mention it because bottom line is it doesnt matter I just need to find a way to muscle through this thing -
modogg89 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
Dont give up! Im in the same boat as you.. By passing the 901 you are halfway there.. make sure you take practice exams and continously score in the 700s before you take the actual test. -
Kingshad336 Member Posts: 12 ■■□□□□□□□□
thanks bro for the encouragement.. any sites you use for the practice exams that you find helpful -
Deus Ex Machina Member Posts: 127
uCertify is a fantastic website for studying for the 902. Get the "220-902 Exam 2 (Course & Labs)(220-902)" course. Its not cheap, it'll run you $239.99. However, the website guarantees that you will pass on your first attempt with their course or else they will refund you the full price of the course.
Also, if you have an active .edu email address, use the CompTIA Academia website to buy the voucher. It saves you like half off just for being a student."The winner takes it all" -
Kingshad336 Member Posts: 12 ■■□□□□□□□□
wow didnt know that. everytime ive taken the test ive paid $205 smh.. thanks ALOT for that information.. i think im going to listen to the professor messer videos and study his material and if this attempt doesnt work out im going to go with ucertify.. ive heard alot about it -
Deus Ex Machina Member Posts: 127
No problem. Good luck! Be sure to let us know how it goes."The winner takes it all" -
Kingshad336 Member Posts: 12 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey everyone i finally passed!!!!! thanks yall for the encourgament -
a1servinem Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm studying for 902 as well is there any advice you can give on what
was the focus on the test? simulations? tips? -
p@r0tuXus Member Posts: 532 ■■■■□□□□□□
Congrats!!!Completed: ITIL-F, A+, S+, CCENT, CCNA R|S
In Progress: Linux+/LPIC-1, Python, Bash
Upcoming: eJPT, C|EH, CSA+, CCNA-Sec, PA-ACE -
DR14 Member Posts: 12 ■■■□□□□□□□
I also found 902 to be a tough cookie. Of all the cert exams I've taken so far, A+ 902 was the only one I didn't pass on the first try. I scored 680 on try 1, 755 on try 2. -
Tanker72 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm in the same boat with my 902 and it's driving me crazy! lol What made the difference in studying? Did you use different material or did you buy that class as mentioned above? -
Pseudonymous Member Posts: 78 ■■■□□□□□□□
The two things I used that helped me prepare for the 901 and 902 were Professor Messor (Video and notes) and CertMaster. CertMaster by itself is a little expensive (I bought the bundle for the retake voucher), but if your willing the money on it, I'd highly recommend it. It didn't help me much for the Net +, but it was a great resource for both A+ parts.Certifications: A+, N+, S+, CCNA: CyberOps, eJPT, ITIL, etc.