Chris Bryant's CCNP All-in-1 Udemy course - $10

I kept seeing Chris Bryant's CCNP videos mentioned as a great resource, and I'll be starting down this path soon so I'm getting some training materials together.
Anyway, I decided to check them out and saw they were on sale 80% off, $10, normally $50. Thought I'd let everyone know in case they were interested.
Anyway, I decided to check them out and saw they were on sale 80% off, $10, normally $50. Thought I'd let everyone know in case they were interested.
CCIE RS - Written (Goal: July 2019) [ ] Lab [ ]
Fulcrum45 Member Posts: 621 ■■■■■□□□□□
Have you had time to go over any of the material? What do you think? I bought it last year at that price because the deal was too good to pass up but haven't had a chance to crack it open. -
albinorhino187 Member Posts: 117 ■■■□□□□□□□
Not yet. I'm wrapping up my bachelor's at WGU this week, and then taking a little break. I'd like to pass at least one test this year, but I don't have employee sponsorship or incentive yet. Might see if adding the BS to my resume will land me a job that will care about CCNP.
I have CBT through work, INE, and now this for videos. GNS3 at home. No books or physical equipment yet.CCIE RS - Written (Goal: July 2019) [ ] Lab [ ] -
MitM Member Posts: 622 ■■■■□□□□□□
I used INE for my CCNP. I really liked it. Keith Bogart is a great instructor, imo.
Chris Bryant is a good bargain too. He's a little dry, but it's worth the $10 -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
I have an all-access pass to INE through my work that I'll eventually use for CCNP Security, but for CCNP R/S I would soooooo recommend Chris Bryants material.
His all in one video course, and his ebooks on Amazon for $10 each, the price cannot be beat for the material.
If it sounds like I'm singing praise to the lord, it's because he is by far the most personable teacher I have personally come across, his video and book material is so easy to absorb with such complex topics.
You can supplement any gaps in knowledge easily with youtube videos by other instructors, over on Cisco support forums, here if people are feeling helpful. Seriously do yourself a favor, skip the INE mind numbing material and go for Chris Bryant, and I highly advise his Kindle Edition ebooks as they fill in a lot of gaps he may skip over in videos.
My signature link is based upon his ROUTE video series, he does an excellent job of explaining things, then I try to regurgitate it on there to document my struggle to CCNP both as my own notes to review before exam day and blogging in a way like I am teaching it to someone helps me personally commit it to memory as odd as that might sound. -
MAC_Addy Member Posts: 1,740 ■■■■□□□□□□
What do you think of INE?2017 Certification Goals:
dontstop Member Posts: 579 ■■■■□□□□□□
However, I usually speed it up to 1.2 speed.
Haha it looks like we both found the sweet spot. I was watching him the other day on INE's YouTube page and floated between 1.1 - 1.2x. At the end of the day everyone has a different tolerance for the speed of others voices, it's just a shame you cannot speed up some people in real life -
Legacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■■□□□□□□□□
$10 is a great price for his CCNP vod series a lot of people love his stuff. I remember when I was tempted to buy the dvds from his website years ago for $349 or something like that. With that said I bought it from Udemy about 2 years ago and could not get into his videos.
My take is he reads from the ebook shown on the screen and rephrases a few things but thats it. I just felt like I was reading along with him. IMO I never understood the appeal. His ebooks are awesome though it gives a clear explanation of topics which gives a good background on topic before I read up on it some more in the FLG or OCG.
I watched the INE videos they are informative and pretty good but I think it can be a little to long winded for my liking. I am big fan of skillsoft videos for CCNP. They break each topic down to smaller chunks up to 10 min videos. I feel like I am sitting in a bootcamp. The switch series is like 30+ hrs and the route series is 40 hrs. If anyone went to WGU they get access for free even when you're an alumni. -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
I've actually found going through his current ROUTE course that he does take snips from his ebook as graphics and explanations on the white board, but from what I've seen there is a lot more content in the ebooks than in this videos.
Even with only watching the video series and taking good notes, along with googling anything I wasn't clear on, I am fairly confident for my upcoming attempt 4/28 (tenatively) using solely his material.
I will be sure to make a thread if I am able to pass solely on his video / ebook series if I do -
Legacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■■□□□□□□□□
I did read the reviews on how people passed it just using his material but for $300 each attempt I don't want to take that gamble lol. I read his ccnp switch ebook and after taking the exam I think his ebook is good enough to get a passing score if you have experience but it did graze over some topics but so did the OCG. But idk even if it was enough to pass I felt the material was a little superficial from a knowledge stand point I had to read some white papers on some topics. I found it seemed a little to reassuring for some topics when he gave an quick overview and said this is all you need to know because you won't be tested on it good thing I dug deeper because the stuff that he said won't be on the test was on the test lol.
Good luck! I will take a stab at the route around 6/10 depending on my comfort level. If you do a write up I will most certainly read it -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
Thanks for the luck! I will note he does leave out some deeper dive material that I've had to cherry pick off the internet for full clarity on the topic, but looking at the blueprint I am fairly confident in my knowledge to Pass next Friday.
The ability to pass is another issue, as it has been a long time since I've done R/S, since before it was changed over to the new version actually. So this is going to be like a neurological shock when that test begins, I just hope to pull myself together to get a Pass at the first go.
Honestly though I really do feel like Bryant hits that blue print well enough to Pass with solely his materials, and hope to prove it next Friday, if I can keep myself together for my first R/S related exam in 3-4 years -
Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
I used Chris Bryant's material as my primary video study. CBT was okay but I really enjoyed how Chris teaches from the command line the entire time. Also you simply can't beat the price!Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
"Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
Yes his dry sense of humor just cannot be beat, he makes things so easy to understand and listen to, when I had to turn to INE's Mark Snow (great teacher don't get me wrong) with his free CCNA Voice course the dry tone of the entire course was like nails on a chalk board.
That being said, he is a hell of a teacher, but I would stick with Chris Bryant as far as he would branch out with videos. Unfortunately high highest level he stops at his CCNP R/S -
Legacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■■□□□□□□□□
Lol about Mark Snows CCNA Voice videos. It was next to impossible to stay awake thats why it took me so long to pass the CCNA voice lol. -
AntWrig Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
I guess, I am in the minority here. It appears that he glosses over a lot of items. -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
He was great for a once over a getting the concepts on the ROUTE exam, but for details I agree another resources is needed for the details of protocol behaviors and such.
Labbing is key though, until I turned up a lab with Redistribution / NSSA / Stub networks and reviewd the LSA Database from every routers perspective was I able to look at "sh ip ospf database" to review LSA DB's on each router to understand the depth of the subject.
With some help from INE, and a lot of google searching, I feel I have a solid understanding of that topic which I completely just grazed over with CB.
However there are some things he nailed pretty good, definitely a once over video series before diving into deeper studies.