INE Practice ROUTE exam just smoked me like a rolled blunt!
I couldn't believe how gigantic the topologies were for this exam, and was completely fried after it and got up and let my brain defrag a bit, and came back to go through each question answer explained.
After a few of the explanations by Keith Barker, this is like study gold. He does a flawless job of pointing out gotchas, introducing different ways of doing things, and how to zero in on what is important with the questions / answers.
I think I am going to hit this exam daily, study any topics I am rusty on until go time a week from tomorrow, if you didn't know this existed within INE (must have all-access pass?) than you should check it out!
After a few of the explanations by Keith Barker, this is like study gold. He does a flawless job of pointing out gotchas, introducing different ways of doing things, and how to zero in on what is important with the questions / answers.
I think I am going to hit this exam daily, study any topics I am rusty on until go time a week from tomorrow, if you didn't know this existed within INE (must have all-access pass?) than you should check it out!

Cisco Inferno Member Posts: 1,034 ■■■■■■□□□□
Good luck.
his review series is like a sore dick. You cant beat it.2019 Goals
CompTIA Linux+[ ] Bachelor's Degree -
MAC_Addy Member Posts: 1,740 ■■■■□□□□□□
I couldn't believe how gigantic the topologies were for this exam, and was completely fried after it and got up and let my brain defrag a bit, and came back to go through each question answer explained.
After a few of the explanations by Keith Barker, this is like study gold. He does a flawless job of pointing out gotchas, introducing different ways of doing things, and how to zero in on what is important with the questions / answers.
I think I am going to hit this exam daily, study any topics I am rusty on until go time a week from tomorrow, if you didn't know this existed within INE (must have all-access pass?) than you should check it out!2017 Certification Goals:
negru_tudor Member Posts: 473 ■■■□□□□□□□
Yeap, Keith's stuff is very good. Had the same revelation when studying for SWITCH.2017-2018 goals:
[X] CIPTV2 300-075
[ ] SIP School SSCA
[X] CCNP Switch 300-115 [X] CCNP Route 300-101 [X] CCNP Tshoot 300-135
[ ] LPIC1-101 [ ] LPIC1-102 (wishful thinking) -
shortstop20 Member Posts: 161 ■■■□□□□□□□
Yes, their practice test is very good, probably harder than the real exam, at least I'm hoping. LOLCCNA Security - 6/11/2018
CCNP TShoot - 3/7/2018
CCNP Route - 1/31/2018
CCNP Switch - 12/10/2015
CCNA R/S - 1/14/2015 -
Iristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
This whole thread made me laugh.
Even funnier because it was posted on 4/20 -
blatini Member Posts: 285
Iristheangel wrote: »This whole thread made me laugh.
Even funnier because it was posted on 4/20
Actually.... that was yesterday.
While you do smoke both crack and weed you might have had some of the former if you still haven't slept -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
Iristheangel wrote: »This whole thread made me laugh.
Even funnier because it was posted on 4/20
I am glad at least one person got the reference! And yes, Keith Bogart is correct, I myself was just fried from work and a practice exam so for some reason I thought of Keith Barker
I've come to terms with the fact that I can't transition from intense foundation studies to exam room with ROUTE, there is going to need to be a period of exam preparation / review, and it needs to be less intense than bull rushing my way through the initial video series.
So I am going to push exam date out, slow it down a bit so I don't feel like I'm in a haze every day from constant work / study, and continue to hit practice exams and review topics I fall short at.
That practice exam gave me a whole new respect for those who legitimately passed the exam, and whole new disdain for the coworker who puts CCNP R/S in his email signature when he never held the certification at any point in his life
@ shortstop I sure as **** hope its easier as well, if Keith gets to draw traffic flows and circle routers we need to focus on in his practice exam videos, I should be able to draw on the monitor in the exam room! -
Legacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey have you went down the blueprint and gauge your knowledge on each section and subsection yet? How do you feel you stand so far? If you don't feel comfortable yet I'd say reschedule and hold on to your $300 a little longer lol -
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
Yep I pushed it out a month and am reviewing a lot of topics with a lot more detail, figured Id use the day off tomorrow to get some extra labbing in