I've completed the OCG and Chris Bryants vids, whats next?

NoNameNoobNoNameNoob Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
Any suggestions on what to study next for the route exam? I'm thinking of purchasing, how to master ccnp route next but im not sure. Thanks in advance


  • ande0255ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
    I would find practice exams to test gauge how much detail you've retained and identify your weak areas, review and lab them, and repeat that until you feel confident you can configure / verify the blueprint enough to pass :)
  • OctalDumpOctalDump Member Posts: 1,722
    Lab, practice exam, do the real exam.

    It might also be worth doing a wall chart or something with details like multicast addresses used for various protocols, OSPF LSA types etc. Something that will drill that info into your head.
    2017 Goals - Something Cisco, Something Linux, Agile PM
  • ande0255ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
    Those were my thoughts until I googled around some practice questions that have you type in configurations and realized I'd forgotten at the beginning of my studies, and discovered quite a few topics like that.

    Unless you have $300 to throw at the real thing it'd be worth a shot, but given if you pass all exams on the first attempt it's still $900 for the set / certification, unless your company reimburses you, mine only reimburses for Pass grades on exams.

    I'd say it worth the time to take a quick practice test to determine how much information you retained, and to familiaise yourself with exam question format and learn to extract pertinent details from the question faster.
  • fredrikjjfredrikjj Member Posts: 879
    Lab lab, and then lab some more. Supplement the OCG with some additional reading on topics that you are confused about. Consider picking up the FLG (Foundation Learning Guide - the other book that covers the same topics) if you feel that you need to read about the same topics from a different author.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■■□□□□□□□□
    +1 On the labbing portion. The best way to cement knowledge is to see it in action. I also suggest you go down the blueprint and gauge where you stand on each topic. If you are having a hard time explaining it and/or typing up a config on notepad then you should go back and practice it some more. When I went for my CCNA I read 5 different books watched 3 different videos. I just wanted to be sure I knew the material and kept delaying taking the test for months. I realized it wasn't me wanted to be sure it was me being afraid that I will fail. So don't psych yourself out and be honest with your assessments. Are you able to pass the practice test in the OCG book without going back to review?
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