Anyone invest in crypto currency?
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
the_Grinch wrote: »I bought some Waves and the company has sent me 10 ETH...pretty sweet deal for me
Skeptic. They sent you $3500 worth of Ethereum for spending exactly how much? -
disip Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
I haven't heard much about ethereum. Hows it different from bitcoin and does anyone have a good youtube link? -
the_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
Bought 9 Waves (about $20 bucks worth) and in my account 10 ETH came in.WIP:
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NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
hurricane1091 wrote: »Skeptic. They sent you $3500 worth of Ethereum for spending exactly how much?
What do you mean? He spent $20 and they gave him $3500 in extras. Seems legit to me -
p@r0tuXus Member Posts: 532 ■■■■□□□□□□
the_Grinch wrote: »I bought some Waves and the company has sent me 10 ETH...pretty sweet deal for me
Wow, which exchange did you buy on? I may have to get some waves, then. LoLCompleted: ITIL-F, A+, S+, CCENT, CCNA R|S
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the_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
Can't explain it. Setup my wallet, transferred some Bitcoin to make a Waves purchase and a few days later (after I leased my Waves to a mining pool) there's a deposit of 10 ETH. Maybe someone sent it to my address by mistake or the company goofed up, but in my wallet sits 10 ETH that I did not purchase or mine.WIP:
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UnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
any good resources to read about this? to start.
I don't wanna drop 5K blindly because it's the future -
the_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■ <---can't tell you if the course is good or not, but it existsWIP:
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NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
the_Grinch wrote: »Maybe someone sent it to my address by mistake or the company goofed up, but in my wallet sits 10 ETH that I did not purchase or mine.
Thats crazy! Gotta love new technology. Where else can someone accidentally send you over $3000 and have zero chance on getting it back... -
the_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
NetworkNewb wrote: »Thats crazy! Gotta love new technology. Where else can someone accidentally send you over $3000 and have zero chance on getting it back...
Ain't that the truth? HahaWIP:
Intro to Discrete Math
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hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
Moldygr33nb3an Member Posts: 241
hindsight is 20/20
Bitcoin is a long term investment. If you're looking for a quick buck, you'll lose a quick buck. Been in and out since 127.00 and at the time, everyone was saying it had peaked.
It's only begun.
Good luck to all! -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
There's quick money to be made - if you spot the trends. I knew I should have been on ANS when it was $3. Some funding issues and low and behold, I missed out. Selling during a dip is just silly. Holding long term is the best option, but consider this. Let's just say everyone here bought Ethereum at $200. It's up $150 (and was up $200) from the original investment price. So you had 20 ether, made $3000. You could sit on it and it's safe, or you sell some of that (how about $3000 worth?) and throw it on something risky. Like ANS, when it was just $1. 3000 ANS, sold at $14, is suddenly $42000 made in the course of a few days. For ether to double, it has to go up $350. All it takes is $1 for a $1 coin to double.
Amazing stories getting written out there boys, here's to hoping we're one of them. -
p@r0tuXus Member Posts: 532 ■■■■□□□□□□
Kind of seems like the best way to make a lot of money in a reasonably short period of time is to be a part of the crowd-funding campaigns for some of these technologies/currencies, then sell high right off the exchange debut, buy back low and ride the tide higher with 2-3x the initial buy-in while the price goes crazy on speculation. There are lots of people out there doing just that. Not enough full-time stock people because I don't think most of them understand the cryptos. Hence, my pull to buying into systems like Ripple and IOTA. Yeah, BTC is going to go higher, some people (if you believe them) talk about trends of 100k BTC and even up to 1 Million. I don't know if We'll see that in our lifetimes, but considering BTC comprise a vast portion (40%) of all Crytpo Market Cap, and even more than that if you consider BTC investments make up large portions of the other currency volumes... When BTC has a bad day, usually they all do. When BTC goes up, usually they all will. At least, the higher end (top 10) of the market cap valued coins.Completed: ITIL-F, A+, S+, CCENT, CCNA R|S
In Progress: Linux+/LPIC-1, Python, Bash
Upcoming: eJPT, C|EH, CSA+, CCNA-Sec, PA-ACE -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
Kind of seems like the best way to make a lot of money in a reasonably short period of time is to be a part of the crowd-funding campaigns for some of these technologies/currencies, then sell high right off the exchange debut, buy back low and ride the tide higher with 2-3x the initial buy-in while the price goes crazy on speculation. There are lots of people out there doing just that. Not enough full-time stock people because I don't think most of them understand the cryptos. Hence, my pull to buying into systems like Ripple and IOTA. Yeah, BTC is going to go higher, some people (if you believe them) talk about trends of 100k BTC and even up to 1 Million. I don't know if We'll see that in our lifetimes, but considering BTC comprise a vast portion (40%) of all Crytpo Market Cap, and even more than that if you consider BTC investments make up large portions of the other currency volumes... When BTC has a bad day, usually they all do. When BTC goes up, usually they all will. At least, the higher end (top 10) of the market cap valued coins.
Some ICOs have been impossible to get on board with. Honestly, I am seeing the best way right now is to spot the trend and get on board. Something goes from cents to dollars, or a couple bucks to $10+ basically every week. It's tough though. You'd have no problem throwing $5000 into ethereum when it was $150-$250, but throwing it all on a $1 coin can be down right scary. Most go up and come back down too, so it's not easy. I have a few cryptos I love and own/plan to own, but they are so long term that it's impossible to get excited about them right now. -
NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
hurricane1091 wrote: »Some ICOs have been impossible to get on board with. Honestly, I am seeing the best way right now is to spot the trend and get on board. Something goes from cents to dollars, or a couple bucks to $10+ basically every week. It's tough though. You'd have no problem throwing $5000 into ethereum when it was $150-$250, but throwing it all on a $1 coin can be down right scary. Most go up and come back down too, so it's not easy. I have a few cryptos I love and own/plan to own, but they are so long term that it's impossible to get excited about them right now.
+1 to this, you have do your research, trust your opinion, and pretty much forget about the money. Can go crazy watching the volatility in the short term. -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
NetworkNewb wrote: »+1 to this, you have do your research, trust your opinion, and pretty much forget about the money. Can go crazy watching the volatility in the short term.
Ethereum has been having network issues it seems. Don't think it's doing the alt coins any favors. -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
I bought ANS at $11 and just sold that garbage for half that. Bought a ton of LISK instead. Doesn't really feel like a "loss" per say since the price of LISK is more than half of what it was when I had bought ANS, if that makes sense. Bought more ARK today too. I plan on selling my ethereum and loading up on LISK honestly. It's at 1.38, about 1/3 of it's all time high. It has big things on the horizon, I see it tripling easily and then passing that all time high. Ethereum got me to the dance but ultimately made me nothing, as it is sitting back where I bought it at. Amazing this crap is. -
NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
hurricane1091 wrote: »Ethereum got me to the dance but ultimately made me nothing, as it is sitting back where I bought it at. Amazing this crap is.
I actually panic'd when it first starting dropping after hitting 400 and sold most of mine at 320. Was pissed at first when I saw go back up to 360. But not to frustrated anymore. :P
I got a little chunk that I have sitting in USD waiting til this decline stops. Guessing sometime next month.
Not sure what I want to put it in. Part me wants to put in ANS as it has greater gain potential from its current state but thinking ETH will be the safer bet long term. -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
NetworkNewb wrote: »I actually panic'd when it first starting dropping after hitting 400 and sold most of mine at 320. Was pissed at first when I saw go back up to 360. But not to frustrated anymore. :P
I got a little chunk that I have sitting in USD waiting til this decline stops. Guessing sometime next month.
Not sure what I want to put it in. Part me wants to put in ANS as it has greater gain potential from its current state but thinking ETH will be the safer bet long term.
I'm down probably $800 from what I invested in. I didn't panic sell, but I wish I sold. August 1st is causing all of this. People are scared about what will happen to bitcoin. The price of every altcoin is based off of BTC, so no surprise that when BTC goes down, so does everything else. ANS is garbage in my opinion, I fell for it hook-line-sinker. Small and mostly unknown team, poor communication to western markets, not really solving any problem except trying to be the Chinese ethereum. I am glad to be out of it. It was nice when I was up $6000, but I wouldn't even consider cashing out for less than a substantial sum of money. I do wish I did what you did and sold off, so I could buy more when the price dips. So yeah, I am all in on LISK and . ARK. LISK has more short term potential than ARK, so I am on an 80/20 split. The way I see it, LISK is at 1/3 of it's all time high. Ethereum is at about half. If things stabilize and those heights are reached again, LISK should return more profit. LISK has a ton of potential, as does ARK, but it's really boom or bust and not a nice "stable" investment like ethereum. -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
Re-worked my spread sheet with the change of investments and the current prices. Actually am up money again. But that will change a bunch this month I bet. -
naclh2onaz Member Posts: 69 ■■□□□□□□□□
There will be so much money flowing into crypto for the next 5+ years that there will be exponential growth for many coins. They will reach the all time high and then some2017 Goals:
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NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
hurricane1091 wrote: »LISK should return more profit. LISK has a ton of potential, as does ARK, but it's really boom or bust and not a nice "stable" investment like ethereum.
Looked in LISK and it does sound interesting. The team itself will probably draw a lot of attention to as well. Seeing potential there... -
UnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
NetworkNewb wrote: »Looked in LISK and it does sound interesting. The team itself will probably draw a lot of attention to as well. Seeing potential there...
Definitely big potential. I believe the price will reach $10+ once SDK is released later this year. Then if it becomes widely used and accepted, who knows what the ceiling is.
Ethereum was scaring me because every time a big ICO happened, the network would slow down. Transactions would take forever, and that can be seen just going on CoinBase (sometimes CoinBase was the actual problem though). Let's keep things 100 for a second, and accept that this is all speculation lol. Nothing useful really out there yet, but I have a few thousand bucks that says it's worth finding out! -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
Interesting article. My biggest fear with crypto, is that the value of coins never become realized. What I mean is, we really have no idea what the worth should be of something. Take ethereum, which was $400+ at some point. You must "burn" ether to process a transaction on the ethereum platform. There is then a value there, as ethereum is a required commodity. What will be run on this platform though? Who will need the ether? Businesses? People? Remains to be seen. If the price is too costly, what would stop a company from developing their own blockchain? In come ARK, where you can easily deploy your own block chain. I believe you do not need to worry about using ARK on your cloned blockchain, but you would have to use ARK to use the "smart-bridge" to interact with other blockchains. I see value there. -
Nerkle Member Posts: 20 ■■□□□□□□□□
Apart of me wanted to, but with governments now looking to crack down and make cryptocurrency illegal or trying to find ways to monitor it /make their own and then ban alternatives and actively looking for it on planes... I'm kinda nervous how much snooping is now going into it. -
hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
Crypto markets rallied last week, as miners locked in the upgrade early. Maybe a little bit of fear goes into it this week before August looks to be a strong month for the alt coins. If you're thinking about getting in, prices are going up now - so I wouldn't wait. I think it's awhile before we see some of the crazy high levels (like $400+ eth) but I do think some significant price hikes are in the works. -
UnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
I've been reading, my conclusion (nothing new) is that it's a high risk investment, you might make a lot of money in a short period of time and get out of it, but in the long term there is a high possibility that you will lose everything.
I'd rather invest in something like real estate at this point in my life..boring, I know, and I also know that the real estate bubble might burst (Australia) but it seems to be a more stable (boring)long term investment for me.
Good luck for everyone investing in Cyrpo currency, you might be the future billionaires soon....laughing at us mere humans playing it safe doing certs to get a pay rise