CRISC CBT results

mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□

I have just completed my CRISC CBT exam. I got a message saying that I didn't pass the exam and an official email with result will be sent to my email within 10 days.

is there any chance that ISACA are following curve up/down method and my result will be changed in the official email?



  • SecurityGuru23SecurityGuru23 Member Posts: 47 ■■■□□□□□□□
    mahd559 wrote: »

    I have just completed my CRISC CBT exam. I got a message saying that I didn't pass the exam and an official email with result will be sent to my email within 10 days.

    is there any chance that ISACA are following curve up/down method and my result will be changed in the official email?


    Sorry to hear that. If you don't mind, can you tell me what was your score and what study materials did you use to study for the exam? Pertaining to your question, unfortunately I highly doubt your test result will change in the official email. Good luck on your next attempt. I have to admit, CRISC was quite difficult although I did pass on my first attempt (barely).

  • mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□

    I studied the official guide from ISACA and questions bank from actual tests and just certs. Exam was far away from question bank.

    Regarding my score, CBT didnt show my result. It only said i didnt pass. Now I have to wait for 10 days to get the results

    Today i have purchased CRISC question database, will try to go through it and schedule another exam im June slot
  • SecurityGuru23SecurityGuru23 Member Posts: 47 ■■■□□□□□□□
    mahd559 wrote: »

    I studied the official guide from ISACA and questions bank from actual tests and just certs. Exam was far away from question bank.

    Regarding my score, CBT didnt show my result. It only said i didnt pass. Now I have to wait for 10 days to get the results

    Today i have purchased CRISC question database, will try to go through it and schedule another exam im June slot

    You will pass it next time, CRISC is more difficult in terms of it's vagueness in their questions unlike CISM. The following was what I've done to prep for the exam, hopefully this helps you to getting a favorable result on your next attempt.

    Study material: Database questions from ISACA (this is the only study material I used)
    1) Went over all of the questions from all 4 domains
    2) Understand WHY you got the right answer and WHY you got the wrong answer (this is very important)
    3) Reviewed all of the questions until you get a "100%" on all 4 domains completed
    4) Google and read concepts/items that you don't know or understand that pops up in the online questions
    4) Took 2 practice exams just to see how I would do

  • mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Will do that. Many thanks
  • Rehana44Rehana44 Member Posts: 30 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I am sorry and good luck for your next attempt. Could you please tell us how you found the questions? i have my exam this late June and i am getting nervous. if you hadnt seen the pass/fail result on the screen after exam would you have thought that you had not passed the exam?

    Your inputs might help me. Thank you.
  • mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hi @Rehana44

    Sorry for the late reply. Exam questions were not that difficult. I guess I was over confidence and I didn't study well for the exam.
    At the end of the exam you will get a window stating if you passed or not.

    Anyway, my next attempt is on 31/8. Hope I will make it this time.
  • mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Failed the test again!

    I was pretty sure of the answers this time, was getting 95% in Q&A database practice test

    Not sure what went wrong. Any additional materials I can refer to for my third attempt?
  • kdotnohkdotnoh Member Posts: 30 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Sorry to hear that you couldn't meet the passing Mark this time. do you have the official result? what was your weakest domain? I think you should do more reading in that area.
  • mwnciboomwnciboo Registered Users Posts: 4 ■■□□□□□□□□
    100% use the CBT, I did 45mins a day (mon-fri) - Do 30 Questions a time...Get a month or so under your belt...Then start ramping up.

    Remember to use the Variabe question bank, after 2 months of self testing, I started to do whole banks on "Problem questions"....As these are the ones where you consistently loss marks.

    Also, read all the answers when you reveal the correct one, each question offers the correct answer but also why the others are wrong. This QUADRUPLES your knowledge with every question!
  • mahd559mahd559 Member Posts: 14 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I passed the test today. Finally!!
  • JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Congrats on the pass! Great job never giving up!
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
  • spiderjerichospiderjericho Registered Users, Member Posts: 897 ■■■■■□□□□□
    mahd559 wrote: »
    I passed the test today. Finally!!

    Congrats on the pass. Glad you went over the hump.
  • STEMGirlSTEMGirl Member Posts: 17 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Great job mahd559!icon_thumright.gif Same exact thing happened to me! I studied the official ISACA CRISC Review Manual and online Database, and obtained scores in the 90% for all modules . . . eventually 100% for all modules. Yet, when I sat for the exam in June 2017 and September 2017, I did not pass (in June Scaled Score of 427, and in September Scaled Score of 441). I was so close both times! I knew the material (and I have practical/professional experience as well), I just could not believe I did not pass twice (truly, I was so embarrassed)! icon_redface.gif But, like you, I'm resilient and I persevered - I passed convincingly Dec. 18th on the third attempt!

    For anyone preparing to sit for the ISACA CRISC exam, it is a VERY TRICKY exam (not necessarily difficult), IMO! I found the CISM exam to be much more straight forward (which I took and passed the first time Dec. 2016 - the last paper-based CISM exam). At a minimum, study the official ISACA CRISC Review Manual and Database, and review ALL test questions/answers/explanations. During the official CRISC exam, THOROUGHLY review ALL questions and possible answers before selecting a final answer (if you are not confident of an answer, skip the question and circle back to it later). Good luck, and Happy New Year! icon_wink.gif
  • dusan985dusan985 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I've got a preliminary CRISC pass on 29th of December. As STEMGirl said, the exam is a bit tricky. After passing paper based CISA in 2015, I've found CRISC questions a bit more confusing. There were some really basic questions, but a lot of the rest sounded really similar to each other.
    Also, it was my first time doing an ISACA CBT and the system was very unstable (had to wait more than 1 hour to even start, and a couple of freezes during the exam), which really messed up my concentration. The plus side is I could do the questions much more faster than on paper based exam (it took me exactly 4 hours for 200 CISA questions, and only 80 mins for 150 CRISC questions)
  • Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Please, can any one help me with CRISC review manual. This my email address:
  • UybertUybert Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi mahd559,

    When you failed the exam, did you get an email straight away? I sat my CRISC exam today and when the test finished, it said I didn't pass but I did not received an email stating that I failed.

    It was very suprising for me because I didn't find the questions difficult at all and I thought it was a relatively straight forward exam. I will give it another shot when I get the results if I fail.

    Also, how many days did it take to receive an official email from ISACA on your results? People have mentioned 10 days on this forum. Does it exactly take 10 days? Or it can be shorther than that?

    Thanks in advance
  • scankloudscankloud Member Posts: 47 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Uybert wrote: »
    Hi mahd559,

    When you failed the exam, did you get an email straight away? I sat my CRISC exam today and when the test finished, it said I didn't pass but I did not received an email stating that I failed.

    It was very suprising for me because I didn't find the questions difficult at all and I thought it was a relatively straight forward exam. I will give it another shot when I get the results if I fail.

    Also, how many days did it take to receive an official email from ISACA on your results? People have mentioned 10 days on this forum. Does it exactly take 10 days? Or it can be shorther than that?

    Thanks in advance

    @Uybert, please read my passing story here:
  • kbassemkbassem Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Congrtas again for CRISC
    could please share the CRISC Database, thanks in advance
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