Passed 70-210 first try, thanks TechExam

LogicalSteveLogicalSteve Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Just wanted to thank WebMaster for his helpful answer to questions on previous posts as well as everyone's feedback. I've never taken a Microsoft Exam and this was my best online resource for helpful solutions.

So with that being said, I'll leave my advice for success on this exam.

I did not take a class for this test, my history includes using Microsoft products since Dos 5.0 and the early Windows 3.0 days. For me, working with Windows 2000 wasn't brand new. I understand if you never seen Windows before and strickly used a Unix environment then maybe you can justify the $2000.00 per class course. If you can't justify the cost, then don't take the class. Get books and self pace yourself.

Study Material: I purchased the Self-Paced Training Kit : Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 2nd Edition through Amazon (about $42.00) [Hardcover edition]. In addition I used the notes posted in this web site at:

Practice Tests: In regard to practice tests, the ones on this web site were really helpful. I heard good things in regard to XXXXXXX. But Transcender had even higher marks of success. I went with Transcender and got the package for MSCA. It was about $429.00. You can get the single 70-210 for about $200.00. Only downfall is it's expensive and you only get three tests plus some flashcards. I never used the flashcards.

My experience with practice test taking, is know the material BEFORE you take the practice test. Do not just buy the transcender exams and take it cold turkey. I did and scored a fat 420. I wasted one exam and since I already knew the answers, it was pointless to take it again. A lot of questions talked about laptop configuration, which I never had a laptop. Also Dynamic disk space, encryption I never used NTFS partition before. Questions about permissions and compression. I just used Winzip. Anyways, just read the material.

I took out the book and decided to read through it front to back. It's divided in two sections, what the material is about and Microsoft sample questions. I read about halfway through the first section in a day. Anxious, I took the 2nd Transcender test and scored a 760. A little better, but only because I understood what all the abbreviations stood for and syntax on remote installations.

I finished the book in about a week as well as the practice tests in the book, then went on-line to this web site. Read through the material, then took the the practice test. Scored ok then went to braindump and took their practice tests. Satisfied with the results the next day I called up the local VUE place and scheduled a 10:00 AM test.

At the exam, it's basically the same format as transcender. You can't bring anything, I even had to hand them my cell phone and watch before taking the exam. The exam is probably on-line as it took about 5 seconds to go between question to question. Most of the questions were the more lenghtly ones found through the practice test. All practice tests were helpful in preparation. You want to know what was on the test? Read the notes from this web site. It's all on there, every bit of it. The test was really heavy on Windows 2000 installations and methods for various OS configurations.

I'd put in some questions that was asked, but to be honest I don't remember. I'm just glad it's over and on to the next test. There were about 60 questions and 2 1/2 hours to take it. If you want a benchmark to go by, don't. Just make sure you know the concepts. If you score under 50% on practice tests, you need to read up on the material. At the end of the test it said Congrats you passed, no score or benchmark. Last advice, if you're stuck on a question. 99% of the time you can narrow it down to at least two answers. After that re-read the question, there will be one small condition which will seperate the correct answer from the wrong answer. If you do not have a clue on what to put for the answer, just put anything and move on. You have 25% to get it right, no sense in wasting time. Finally at the end of the exam, just submit it. Don't go back and second guess yourself. 75% of the time people second guess themself to a WRONG answer.

Good luck taking this exam.


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