
Access/Programming question...

Megadeth4168Megadeth4168 Member Posts: 2,157
How can acheive the following...

I have a database where on a weekly basis 225 lots are checked to see if they are vacant or not. The form for this paticular database is very simple.
I have the following
Lot Number
Date Checked

What I would like to do is make some kind of automation happen where the program can go through and mark all lots on that day.
So I would need this automation to add 225 records with the only difference in each record be the lot number.

I hope this makes sense.....


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    Megadeth4168Megadeth4168 Member Posts: 2,157
    Nevermind... That was easier than I thought, I just had to sleep on it. :)
    Dim intAutoNumber As Integer
    intAutoNumber = 1
    Do Until intAutoNumber = 225
        Me![Lot Number] = intAutoNumber
        Me![Status] = "On Lot"
        Me![Date Checked] = Now
        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
        intAutoNumber = intAutoNumber + 1

    Now I just need to make it so the form will only show the details for today's date. I think I should be able to do this with the data being in a query....
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