Intel Security Certified Product Specialist — McAfee NSP - my experience

Passed today Intel Security Certified Product Specialist — McAfee NSP
Exam details:
Associated exam: MA0-101
Number of Questions: 100
Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Associated Training: McAfee Network Security Platform Administration (4 days) - not really helpfull
3 months hands-on experience
NSP_83_Best_Practices_Guide - helpful
Other .pdf documentation from McAfee website
Free online training -
Preparation time - 1 month
Exam: only MCQ questions, most very simple and easy. Few questions repeated with different wording. Focus on newer version of software. Some questions long and hard to understand (only few). Finished first pass in 50 min. Next 20 minutes spend on review.
Hints: focus administration tasks and reporting.
Exam details:
Associated exam: MA0-101
Number of Questions: 100
Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Associated Training: McAfee Network Security Platform Administration (4 days) - not really helpfull
3 months hands-on experience
NSP_83_Best_Practices_Guide - helpful
Other .pdf documentation from McAfee website
Free online training -
Preparation time - 1 month
Exam: only MCQ questions, most very simple and easy. Few questions repeated with different wording. Focus on newer version of software. Some questions long and hard to understand (only few). Finished first pass in 50 min. Next 20 minutes spend on review.
Hints: focus administration tasks and reporting.
I'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry
xx+ certs...and I'm not counting anymore
xx+ certs...and I'm not counting anymore
jelevated Member Posts: 139
Nice, I have trouble getting employers to recognize the McAfee certs for what they are. No one seems to know about them. I like to see them. -
trojin Member Posts: 275 ■■■■□□□□□□
We are using McAfee stuff at my work place (ePO, NSP, ATD, DLP) so they are happy to pay for training and certs. I could not miss thisI'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry
xx+ certs...and I'm not counting anymore -
yoba222 Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■■■■■□□
So is this cert McAfee/Intel Security or McAfee/McAfee or just Intel Security? I can't keep track.A+, Network+, CCNA, LFCS,
Security+, eJPT, CySA+, PenTest+,
Cisco CyberOps, GCIH, VHL,
In progress: OSCP -
trojin Member Posts: 275 ■■■■□□□□□□
There is no McAfee Cert program now. Intel own McAfee and program is called now: Intel Security Certified Product Specialist
One of the exam is McAfee Network Security Platform (NSP)I'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry
xx+ certs...and I'm not counting anymore -
nisti2 Member Posts: 503 ■■■■□□□□□□
What do you recommend for SIEM training and certification?
Regards!2020 Year goals:
Already passed: Oracle Cloud, AZ-900
Taking AZ-104 in December.
"Certs... is all about IT certs!"