Failed 300-115 SWITCH Today
So irritated with Cisco with regard to this exam. Questions poorly worded and highly ambiguous. Came across several typos that continuously made me stop and wonder if they intentionally misspelled part of a command or if it were an accident. The cake is one of the sims... I realize that I can't say too much about it but I had a SIM that did not behave properly with several etherchannel related commands. I could not negate them with a "no" nor could i enter the valid commands. I'd be curious to know how many points this cost me since the requested configuration could not be completed. My score was a 718 

Now I have to lose my CCNA which expires on Sunday unless I go take TSHOOT tomorrow and then pay Cisco another $300 to retest SWITCH. Very highly ******* frustrated with some of the "tricky" or just plain old poorly worded questions. There were even questions that had 2 %100 correct answers. Guess I didn't choose the "for sure cisco recommended answer". Very fuckin irritated right now!!!!

Currently reading: Network Warrior, Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens
adrianm68 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
I feel your pain. I failed this exam last weekend, and managed to defeat it today. I agree with you on the wording, but hang in there - it feels great when you defeat the SOB!2017 Goals: Cisco: [x]Switch [ ]Route [ ]Tshoot
Cisco engineer's command to teach his dog to sit: "no stand" -
GreenLantern Member Posts: 54 ■■□□□□□□□□
Sorry to hear about your exam. I agree with your comments, I've had many questions where I spent more time confused about the wording than anything else.In pursuit of CCNA:SECURITY; CCNP; THEN MCSE -
CodeBlox Member Posts: 1,363 ■■■■□□□□□□
I went and took tshoot as a last effort to save my ccna today and the whole exam engine crashed. During that event the time still continued to count down and I was told there was nothing that they could do. I was first told that i would have to start over. In reality it picked up where i left off but with lost time. I ended up running out of time and failing this one too. It's been a rough weekend...Currently reading: Network Warrior, Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens -
ParDigital Member Posts: 11 ■■□□□□□□□□
If the simlet crashed, I'd wager they are on the hook for a retest at no cost to you...definitely bring that up with PearsonVUE -
scaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
I hate Cisco tests and agree with the vague questions. Anyway, I bet you can get a free test out of Cisco/Pearson. Fight the power!!!Never let your fear decide your fate.... -
denfrombe Member Posts: 17 ■□□□□□□□□□
Arrgh, I'm sorry to read that man. But you didn't consider to take the exam enough time before your CCNA got expired ? Just by security -
negru_tudor Member Posts: 473 ■■■□□□□□□□
OMG ... that's one f***ed up weekend .. I would like to say I feel your pain (I do to some degree - also failed one of the exams once) but I honestly haven't had it as rough as you did
Is your company able to help fund your re-certification attempts? I mean if you already know topics in CCNP, tried TSHOOT and SWITCH, you stand a very high chance of being able to run through the entire lot in no time (2-3 months?).2017-2018 goals:
[X] CIPTV2 300-075
[ ] SIP School SSCA
[X] CCNP Switch 300-115 [X] CCNP Route 300-101 [X] CCNP Tshoot 300-135
[ ] LPIC1-101 [ ] LPIC1-102 (wishful thinking)