Practice Exams?
Anybody used the MindHub Pearson/MeasureUp CCNP exams as part of their exam prep? Same goes for the Transcender, Boson and SkillSoft exam sims... Any comments on how close they are to the content of the real thing? Value for $? Mainly looking at ROUTE These seem to be the only exam sims from legit sources...unless there are some I've missed
Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
I've used Boson on the the Route and Switch exams. Once I would get to the point of memorizing the tests I would go take the real test. Now that's not to be said they are perfect prep but good supplemental prep I feel is very worth the investment after putting in your reading and lab time.Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
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