Installing GNS3 on a dedicated server

joshuamurphy75joshuamurphy75 Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
I have an unused server at my house, and I'm thinking of turning it into a dedicated GNS3 machine, which would be accessed remotely from my other computers. I'm not very familiar with the program. Is this a realistic idea, and if so, what OS and/or hypervisor should I run under it? The hard drive is empty now.


  • MitMMitM Member Posts: 622 ■■■■□□□□□□
    One option is to install VMware ESXi on the server and then deploy the GNS3 VM appliance. This is what I'm using. I have GNS3 installed on a second virtual machine running windows 7, but it connects to the remote server (GNS3 vm appliance).

    If you don't want to do that, you could also install a Windows OS on the server and install GNS3 locally on it. Remote desktop to the server when you want to use it
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