AWS Certs - Training Material

I'm working through some of the acloudguru videos for the AWS-CSA exam now, and seems to be a lot of good information. Experience wise, I don't have much on AWS, but I can see why AWS is king. 
Just wanted to get some thoughts and opinions from those that have used either acloud, linux academy, or both, and whether you felt there was a better source that helped you prepare for AWS exams.

Just wanted to get some thoughts and opinions from those that have used either acloud, linux academy, or both, and whether you felt there was a better source that helped you prepare for AWS exams.
kimmo88 Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
AWS official study guide for CSA -> -
ddayglo Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
I used lynda (which may be free through your work or public library), acloudguru, and udemy when the courses were on sale for $10. IMO acloudguru was the best resource.