VTP pruning enabled, but can still see broadcasts

James777James777 Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
hi all,

I'm trying to lab the VTP prunning cmd in GNS3. what i'm having trouble with is after enabling vtp prunning, wirehsark can still see broadcast packets in links that shouldn't have.

my setup is simple:
vtp mode server
vtp domain bob
vtp prunning
vlan 12
vlan 23
all VLANs propagate all good.

on Sw1:
int vlan 12 with addr

on Sw2:
int vlan 12 with addr
int vlan 23 with addr

on Sw3
int vlan 23 with addr

my understanding is with vtp prunning, vlan 12 flooded traffic should only be on Sw 1 & 2, and vlan 23's should only be on Sw 2 & 3.

but from Sw1, when I ping (which should ARP broadcast in vlan 12 only), wireshark can still see those broadcasts between Sw 2 & 3.

and if I run no vtp prunning, and ping again, I see the exact same ARP broadcasts between Sw 2 & 3.

so I don't know what's changed running vtp prunning or not, except under show int trunk the pruned list of Vlans seem to change.

What's going on??

Thanks for reading.


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