Observation from the workplace - Architect Related

DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,761 ■■■■■■■■■■
Noticing a lot of our Architects around solutions and enterprise are starting to get AWS and Azure certifications. Due to my role I interface with these folks a lot being in BI and through conversations and observations I am seeing a increase in certifications for these two technologies.

Usually it's one or the other, but what's interesting these folks have never done certifications before, at least not bringing them up in conversation (which I directly ask them) or listing them on their LinkedIn.

Just thought I would share this. After doing additional research on the methodology certification, I may have overstated my analysis on these certifications and the people in the positions. After connecting to more and more in our company I am noticing that hardly any have TOGAF or SOA.

Anyway kind of random but wanted to bounce that out there and see if anyone else is noticing this trend or if it's specific to my work place.

Oddly enough, even some of our senior devs and bi architects are considering them. One of which is a close friend at work, who is a dev. So not only are the established folks going for AWS/Azure but so are some of the devs who want to break into that space.

It's intriguing.
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