AWS study materials & video tutorials .

Can anyone suggest me some study materials and video tutorials for AWS certifications? Something not just for passing the exam(s) but also helpful to get a good grasp of AWS technology.
msITmanagementhelp Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I would advise getting a pluralsight membership, they have a lot of useful content. also has some great training videos. -
GoHawks Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
I've used A Cloud Guru and Linux Academy for AWS. I'd recommend A Cloud Guru as a first source. If you do everything in the video's which is recommended you will certainly end up with a good grasp of the technology. Udemy sells the Cloud Guru courses and are usually much less expensive than buying them directly (I paid $10 for the AWS SysOps course today). I'd buy it there and then go directly to the Cloud Guru site and 'migrate' your purchase.