
SANS Prices up again



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    mactexmactex Member Posts: 80 ■■■□□□□□□□
    TechGromit wrote: »
    So long as students/employers are willing to pay full price for on-demand training, SANS is more than happy to charge for it. Companies like it because it cuts the cost of training by several thousand dollars without having travel expenses. Also in a pinch, they can tell there employee put your training on pause, we need you to go look at this. If students/companies bulked at paying full price for Ondemand, I'm sure they would lower the price. Based on my Global Knowledge CCNA training where most students attended a live training event online, I would guess the Ondemand market for SANS is as big as if not bigger than there live events. If your willing to pay though the nose, why should SANS lower the price?

    As cyberguypr pointed out, attending a live event is well worth the cost. If my company bulked at sending me to a live event and only offered to pay for an ondemand bundle, I'd pay for the travel on my on dime. I can't say I made very many contract among other SANS students, but I think networking I did with the instructors will pay dividends in the future.

    Right. I'm not saying On Demand doesn't have any pros. I'm just saying from my experience; the quality is not the same and the cost should reflect that. One particular on-demand class had very poor editing and sound. I have attended SANS live events as well and agree the value is high.
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    BoABoA Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    that's really not good
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