
Continuing education advise

Student657Student657 Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□

I'm a bit at a lost on how I can grow myself and I was wondering if you guys can give me some advice. Some info about me
Mid 20s
Sec+ (2015), CISSP (2017)
Cyber sec degree
Currently working in IT security, somewhat management/paperwork side, for government, 6k funding for training

I recently got my CISSP to hopefully improve my technical skills as I felt that's where I was lacking when it comes to cyber sec. The cert opened a lot of door but it didn't really give an idea of my passion. After my years working I see about 4 routes i can go with my growth and how to use my funding.

CEH - or similar certificate that'll land me something in the pen test realm as it was the reason I'm went into studying cyber, but havn't actually worked in this field. I was told a lot of automation are going to overtake pen test in a few years but that's probably 5+

Network+/CCNA - Always felt network and security is hand is hand and I've always been weak at network, just seems really boring to me but it's a field that I should be familiar with or just call the network guys.

Data analytics/Science - Seem like a booming field right now but I'm not sure if one can just get a cert, this might be more of a degree thing. I am hoping to get the free splunk fundamentals done soon since it'll have a direct impact on my work.

ITIL/PMP - I always thought end career most people go some sort of project manager and at the end of the day everyone's supporting business. So maybe getting the easier ITIL will allow me to understand business easier and be a more valuable candidate. Plus this seem somewhat natural to me and I guess you have more say in a project and maybe be able to "create" something.

If anything I'll probably take some easy cert, failing CISSP first time was a real downer. Any help is appreciated, I think I have a lot of options and I wanted to know which route is best. Seem like I'm pretty confused as I'm not sure what my passion is yet.

Thanks in advance
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