AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam Passed..

Hello all,
Passed the AWS cloud practitioner exam yesterday. I won't say it was super easy but decent in my opinion.
For study material, I used the videos from both acloudguru and linuxacademy. Acloudguru shows a lot of extra stuffs which is not required but definitely helps to understand the service better.
Whitepapers are a MUST. no need to understand every single detail of each service but at least the main reason of why to use it.
I flagged around 35 questions out of 65 so yeah that's how my prep was :P changed answer 5/6 out of those 35.
I gave me a hard time to figure out how to change those flag questions though.
Passed the AWS cloud practitioner exam yesterday. I won't say it was super easy but decent in my opinion.
For study material, I used the videos from both acloudguru and linuxacademy. Acloudguru shows a lot of extra stuffs which is not required but definitely helps to understand the service better.
Whitepapers are a MUST. no need to understand every single detail of each service but at least the main reason of why to use it.
I flagged around 35 questions out of 65 so yeah that's how my prep was :P changed answer 5/6 out of those 35.
I gave me a hard time to figure out how to change those flag questions though.