Has anyone passed SISAS 300-208 with the OCG

I'm sitting for the SISAS exam Thursday and the materials I've had access to is the OCG, Keith Barker's (short) videos, and Baldev Singh's course on Udemy (the topics it covered were covered well, but there was a serious lack of breadth in my opinion). Has anyone passed this test using any of these resources?
The reason I ask is I've seen a lot of comments from folks that have failed suggesting that the materials out there don't reflect the test content accurately. One person went on to say that he thought questions were just pulled straight from the PDF manuals for ISE so I'm wondering if I should postpone a couple more weeks and sit down with those instead. I spent a lot of time with the OCG and felt that the test engine was mostly softballs - there wasn't anything really challenging so it's got me super worried about this test. If this book doesn't represent what's on the test then I'm mostly screwed.
Thanks for any insight.
The reason I ask is I've seen a lot of comments from folks that have failed suggesting that the materials out there don't reflect the test content accurately. One person went on to say that he thought questions were just pulled straight from the PDF manuals for ISE so I'm wondering if I should postpone a couple more weeks and sit down with those instead. I spent a lot of time with the OCG and felt that the test engine was mostly softballs - there wasn't anything really challenging so it's got me super worried about this test. If this book doesn't represent what's on the test then I'm mostly screwed.
Thanks for any insight.
mbarrett Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□
No - other resources would be Labminutes videos and Cisco Live ISE sessions (available for free by registering on the Cisco Live site). -
Souljacker Member Posts: 112 ■■■□□□□□□□
So, I just barely squeezed out a pass. I did make some silly mistakes that I'm kicking myself over now - always go with your first instinct - and my overall impression that there *is* some disconnect between the courseware that's out there and what the test writers think is most important to know. I scored an 867 on this test and feel like that's an incredibly low score for the level of effort and time I put into working on this exam, not to mention the three separate resources I used. I would have expected one of these guys to have a good grasp on what's actually important to know at this cert level.
I nailed the CCNA-Security a few years back just using the OCG but in this exam the disconnect seems huge.
So, I think I'm going to do what everyone else is doing and just jump straight to CCIE. This is clearly the red-headed stepchild of Cisco's cert exams and I only started studying it because I didn't realize CCNP wasn't a necessary stepping stone.
Good luck to anyone else taking this route. If I had it to do over again I'd probably just sit with the objectives and download the relevant PDF admin manuals from Cisco's site.
EDIT: Or I would save my pennies and cash flow the course at the Cisco Learning network and maybe a subscription to Virl (I deserve a treat after what I've been through). After looking over the content for SENSS I'm rethinking skipping to CCIE and sticking with this for the time being. I suspect that Cisco wants to encourage us to use their learning solutions and so all the effort is being put in there. At a glance, it has all that you'd expect from online training including labs. I guess we'll see. Will report back when I've cleared SENSS.