Since BFD is better than routing protocols dead timer
negru_tudor Member Posts: 473 ■■■□□□□□□□
Why is the routing protocol dead timer still used then?
Standards / compliance (inter-op)?2017-2018 goals:
[X] CIPTV2 300-075
[ ] SIP School SSCA
[X] CCNP Switch 300-115 [X] CCNP Route 300-101 [X] CCNP Tshoot 300-135
[ ] LPIC1-101 [ ] LPIC1-102 (wishful thinking) -
networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
What happens if you don't have BFD enabled? What if a device doesn't support BFD? What if you run into a BFD bug and need to turn it off? What if.....?An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.