CCIE Next?

Danielh22185Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
I've been racking my brain on what to do next. As a background, I have been in a design related / engineering role for the last year. My primary responsibilities are specializing in route/switch designs and optimizing the network where needed. Although I do touch briefly in other areas of collaboration and wireless, my primary function remains focused on a R/S type role.

I got my CCNP back in Sept of 2016. A bit of the fundamental has worn off since I am not laser-focused on burying my head in studies as of recent. A lot of my efforts really have gone into playing around with Python to automate some of my repetitive job functions, but mostly I have been casually reading on TCP/IP. To date I have read Comer's TCP/IP (about a year ago now), and TCP/IP illustrated Vol1; The protocols (finishing TCP/IP Vol2).

I think where I stand right now is to get a good understanding of the underlying protocols and fundamentals of where this stuff came from first before I start getting insanely heavy with their application through CCIE studies.

Anyways, to try and keep a long post brief... I am not sure where I want to go right now for the immediate. I think it would also benefit me to knock out CCDA along with DP (to renew my NP since I will need to by Sept of next year). This would give me back a 3 year buffer time to then go deep and heavy into CCIE; also, it may net me some even better base for CCIE studies.

I might have just answered my own questions but just curious of others thoughts / maybe if others are in the same boat.
Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
"Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi


  • Danielh22185Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Also I might add I am married with two young kids (4 and 1.5 years old). This factor alone in the back of my head has kind of reserved me from going full bore CCIE study mode. I honestly don't know where I would have the time to study for 20+ hours a week right now for 12-18 months+
    Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
    My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
    "Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi
  • bharvey92bharvey92 Member Posts: 420 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hey Daniel!

    My advice personally.. start on your CCIE.. you sound like you are in the right kind of role where the CCIE could really push you on and help you in your design role. You also sound like you have the experience - tbh you could probably pick the CCDA up on the way..

    I get what you mean about the commitment to the CCIE with regards to kids/family etc. The ultimate thing is the CCIE is a marathon not a sprint I think most people will tell you that (who have got their number).

    Me personally I started the CCIE studies about 6 months ago.. then stopped and I’ve moved jobs. However alone the knowledge and confidence I gained from studying towards it got me this job through the interview stage and ultimately the job! Life gets in the way.. but ultimately if you keep at it and commit you’ll get there!

    Just to add I’m back on it now ;)

    Good luck and I look forward to seeing your thread!
    2018 Goal: CCIE Written [ ]
  • IristheangelIristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
    Well, now that some jerkwad forced you to go to CLUS this year, you should totally use that to mingle and study for the CCIE. Let the motivation rub off on you :P
    BS, MS, and CCIE #50931
  • Danielh22185Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Well, now that some jerkwad forced you to go to CLUS this year, you should totally use that to mingle and study for the CCIE. Let the motivation rub off on you :P

    Haha!! It was indeed great motivation!

    Okay, so I think I have officially decided I want to go after CCIE as the next major goal. It is the most applicable area for me to focus on further building my skillsets for my current job and likely future endeavors. I'll likely just go take TSHOOT again in the meantime next year to keep my NP active.

    Though this is what I have decided...
    I am going to take the rest of this year alone to focus on myself and getting a lifestyle in place to get ready for the study marathon. Due to the distractions, I have in my life I have to make the time and to keep that consistent I will have to seriously focus on training myself new disciplines. With that considered I have discovered that night time studying is going to be extremely difficult or near impossible to maintain for the following reasons:
    1.) Kids nighly routine won't allow me to get started at least until 9pm
    2.) Night time studying I have found to be less effective after a long day of work + kids.
    3.) Maintain a balance in my life that will keep my marriage happy.

    I have decided I am going to move in a direction of having a disciplined regiment of waking early to get that extra productivity I need out of the day. This is why I want to focus on just this discipline alone for the rest of the year to get my body and mind into that cycle. I think it is important to establish this discipline long before focusing on rigorous study for something like CCIE. I feel if I tried to begin building this discipline while attempting to study I would be doing myself a disservice and I would not nearly get the same effective level of study that I would have if I had already established the disciplines for success prior.

    For the remainder of the year, I think I will focus still on reading some of the IE tailored study books but not focus so much as a deep dive of study until the beginning of the next year, This will give my body the time it needs to adjust to its new behaviors. This also gives me the crucial time to plan accordingly and do my research to attack CCIE with a 100% focus when I am ready to commit.

    I think I will soon start an official blog page to track my current lifestyle and hold myself accountable. This will eventually evolve into a study tracking tool.

    Thanks for the advice everyone!
    Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
    My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
    "Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi
  • josephandrejosephandre Member Posts: 315 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Solid plan, and it's really necessary to have a solid plan and realistic goals in this type of endeavor, and with a family.

    Best of luck sir. Curious, will work cover the cost of the zero to hero course? The pace and resources of that course really seem like they'd be invaluable in your situation.
  • Danielh22185Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Solid plan, and it's really necessary to have a solid plan and realistic goals in this type of endeavor, and with a family.

    Best of luck sir. Curious, will work cover the cost of the zero to hero course? The pace and resources of that course really seem like they'd be invaluable in your situation.

    I am not sure right now but I think I may be able to convince my work to help cover some things when it comes to study costs, etc. I was going to try to set up a plan with work to get at least a study day per week where I work from home and am available for emergency type stuff only but primarily focused on studying. This is why it's good now to be doing my research and really focusing in on have a regimented plan to set proper expectations with family and work.
    Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
    My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
    "Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi
  • williebwillieb Member Posts: 108 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I just got back from CLUS in Orlando as well, I took ROUTE and passed and have SWITCH and TSHOOT left to re-certify for my CCNP I originally had and let expire years ago.

    I plan to hit CCIE R&S hard when I obtain CCNP R&S again, especially while CCNP is fresh.

    I have 3 kids but they are older at 17, 15, 13 so that kind of makes it easier. I say kinda because at night is when I study. They are fairly independent but a night-owl like me so sometimes it's like trying to study in the center ring of a circus. My 13 year old is ADHD and his meds has worn off by that time lol.

    When I originally certified for CCNP my kids were very young. I would begin to study when they went to bed. Sounds like you are a morning person though so mornings may work better for you.

    I'm planning to have my CCNP in 4-5 months and I will start IE promptly thereafter. Maybe that will be about the time you start as well. I can't wait to start on CCIE.
    [X] CCENT ICND1 100-105
    [X] CCNA ICND2 200-105
    [X] CCNP ROUTE 300-101
    [X] CCNP SWITCH 300-115
    [X] CCNP TSHOOT 300-135
    [ ] CCDP ARCH 300-320
  • Danielh22185Danielh22185 Member Posts: 1,195 ■■■■□□□□□□
    willieb wrote: »
    I just got back from CLUS in Orlando as well, I took ROUTE and passed and have SWITCH and TSHOOT left to re-certify for my CCNP I originally had and let expire years ago.

    I plan to hit CCIE R&S hard when I obtain CCNP R&S again, especially while CCNP is fresh.

    I have 3 kids but they are older at 17, 15, 13 so that kind of makes it easier. I say kinda because at night is when I study. They are fairly independent but a night-owl like me so sometimes it's like trying to study in the center ring of a circus. My 13 year old is ADHD and his meds has worn off by that time lol.

    When I originally certified for CCNP my kids were very young. I would begin to study when they went to bed. Sounds like you are a morning person though so mornings may work better for you.

    I'm planning to have my CCNP in 4-5 months and I will start IE promptly thereafter. Maybe that will be about the time you start as well. I can't wait to start on CCIE.

    Nice! How did you like CLUS? Did you happen to see any of the RouterGods?

    Yeah, building a study regiment is definitely knowing what kind of schedule will work for you. I feel my mornings will be best as I am already up early as it is for work. Night time I still have very dependent kiddos still so I don't get time to break away from that until it is starting to get late anyway. I feel I can add more time in the mornings with minor adjustments to my day-to-day life.

    I definitely am going to get a journal/blog going on everything from start to finish. I have read a lot of CCIE blogs but have found the content they are missing doesn't go quite deep enough into the preparation of building the disciplines for success. So I plan to cover those in mine when I begin it.
    Currently Studying: IE Stuff...kinda...for now...
    My ultimate career goal: To climb to the top of the computer network industry food chain.
    "Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else." - Vince Lombardi
  • williebwillieb Member Posts: 108 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Nice! How did you like CLUS? Did you happen to see any of the RouterGods?

    Yeah, building a study regiment is definitely knowing what kind of schedule will work for you. I feel my mornings will be best as I am already up early as it is for work. Night time I still have very dependent kiddos still so I don't get time to break away from that until it is starting to get late anyway. I feel I can add more time in the mornings with minor adjustments to my day-to-day life.

    I definitely am going to get a journal/blog going on everything from start to finish. I have read a lot of CCIE blogs but have found the content they are missing doesn't go quite deep enough into the preparation of building the disciplines for success. So I plan to cover those in mine when I begin it.

    Dang sorry for the delay, I've got to remember to subscribe to the threads I participate in lol.

    I love CLUS, I've been 4 times now. Orlando, San Diego, and Vegas. San Diego is my favorite City to visit of the 3. I didn't look for or see any of the RouterGods although I will look them up.

    Last paragraph is a great idea. We can find the material and labs to study but that's only half the battle. Especially with how different people's lives are.

    I'm so ready to get back over this CCNP hump and shoot for the written.
    [X] CCENT ICND1 100-105
    [X] CCNA ICND2 200-105
    [X] CCNP ROUTE 300-101
    [X] CCNP SWITCH 300-115
    [X] CCNP TSHOOT 300-135
    [ ] CCDP ARCH 300-320
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