New Job CCNA level

Cisco Engineers to support a customer transition from TDM based circuits to Ethernet. Candidates should have a working knowledge of Cisco Router configurations and the ability to build a router configuration from scratch. An understanding of router configurations to support services such as encryption, VIOP, SNMP, T1, T1 multilink, DS3, Ethernet, SSH, BGP and IP Addressing is a must. Also a thorough understanding in the proper sequence behind circuit turn-up and decommission is needed. The candidate must also have experience working with typical maintenance windows along with a team of engineers.
This is a CCNA level position, however the candidate does not need to hold a current CCNA just the experience commensurate at that level. Past Experience working with DHS networks, network operations, OneNet, or other DHS components is also a plus. The candidate should hold a current DHS/TSA suitability clearance or have the ability to get one. Work location is in Ashburn, VA. Duration 6 Months minimum.
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This is a CCNA level position, however the candidate does not need to hold a current CCNA just the experience commensurate at that level. Past Experience working with DHS networks, network operations, OneNet, or other DHS components is also a plus. The candidate should hold a current DHS/TSA suitability clearance or have the ability to get one. Work location is in Ashburn, VA. Duration 6 Months minimum.
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Currently Reading
CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related
CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related