This upcoming classes ?

Does anyone have experience or can guess what this class will consist of.
[h=3]Computer Science 309 - Comp And Society[/h]
Ethical issues for technical professionals, social impact of professional and entrepreneurial activity, the social impact of computer technology; speaking intensive.
[h=3]Computer Science & Statistics 405 - Adv Intrnt: Cgi Prg[/h]
Basic review of WWW and HTML, forms and forms processing, CGI programming, Java programming, VRML, security and privacy issues.
[h=3]Information Technology 361 - Human Comp Interaction[/h]
This course covering design, implementation and evaluation methods for interfaces that bring the human together with the computer in order to accomplish tasks. Methods, techniques and principles for good design are taught.
Are any of these classes beneficial for a computer networking major, the Adv Internet Cgi Prg class i am able to switch with adv linux but am worried ill fall behind sense i havnt taken a linux class is over 2 years and havnt worked with it sense, i forgot mostly anything to do with linux, basic command ex.
[h=3]Computer Science 309 - Comp And Society[/h]
Ethical issues for technical professionals, social impact of professional and entrepreneurial activity, the social impact of computer technology; speaking intensive.
[h=3]Computer Science & Statistics 405 - Adv Intrnt: Cgi Prg[/h]
Basic review of WWW and HTML, forms and forms processing, CGI programming, Java programming, VRML, security and privacy issues.
[h=3]Information Technology 361 - Human Comp Interaction[/h]
This course covering design, implementation and evaluation methods for interfaces that bring the human together with the computer in order to accomplish tasks. Methods, techniques and principles for good design are taught.
Are any of these classes beneficial for a computer networking major, the Adv Internet Cgi Prg class i am able to switch with adv linux but am worried ill fall behind sense i havnt taken a linux class is over 2 years and havnt worked with it sense, i forgot mostly anything to do with linux, basic command ex.
yoba222 Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■■■■■□□
The comp and society class looks like an "Intro to Computers" overview type class with an ethics spin. The textbook probably never gets all that technical and you'll end up having to write a paper or two and give a presentation. Easy peasy.
The Adv Internet class appears to be an introductory full-stack web development class. This one will probably be tough--as tough as a Linux class if not more so. In my experience this kind of class attempts to cram way too many things into one course.
Human Comp interaction seems like web and user interface design. This one will probably be easy and fun, complementing the other web class. Well easy and fun unless you're really terrible at designing GUIs and web page placement of things, etc.
While it's great to know the Adv Internet stuff, that one looks like the most intimidating to me and I'd get started learning that material now if you intend to take it. It's probably the most valuable one too. Imagine being able to code up a web page that acts as a visual/graphical dashboard that pulls SNMP data from all the network devices, allowing you to see a graph of network throughput and any critical alarms. That is a very doable project with some practice after exposure to web development and could make some sweet resume portfolio candy, for example.A+, Network+, CCNA, LFCS,
Security+, eJPT, CySA+, PenTest+,
Cisco CyberOps, GCIH, VHL,
In progress: OSCP