70-697 MeasureUp Practice Exams

Eck49Eck49 Member Posts: 8 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi there,

Hoping to sit my 70-697 near the end of the month and looking to see how close the MeasureUp exams compare in difficulty to the actual exam. Keep getting between 65%-75% on the practice exams.

Any other advice would be helpful other than your usual TechNet and playing about in Win10.



  • Eck49Eck49 Member Posts: 8 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Answered my own question this morning and in comparison, the measureup was alright. Failed it with a score of 675.
    I did get 67 questions which I thought was a lot, was expecting roughly 50 odd.

    Hopefully get another date booked in September.
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