One for the networking gods analyze network layout
Hi guys I was at work today and I have been trying to improve my networking knowledge. I am obviously a amateur and figured I would call on the gods for some advice on whether our current network arrangement is adequate.
( Downstairs)
So we have draytek router connected to a SME server I think this server handles DHCP for the building not the router. We probably have about 2-3 switches downstairs to expand the network.
( Upstairs)
Few network points in workshop I would say about 12 hard wired. We have about 5 switches hooked up in various locations of the workshop.
So not knowing much about networking my immediate reaction is the layout isn't the best?
Everything is on the same subnet, Infact in the workshop somebody previously setup a machine a PXE Windows installation server which every machine in the building can access. Again I was like well this is silly.
Nothing is documented, network points Are not labelled,
I am not to familiar with Collison domains and broadcast domains, I understand that our whole network is one broadcast domain, and that each port on a switch in theory is a separate collision domain.
Would having numerous switches on our network effect performance?
Break it down for me guys I am keen to learn, We have a pallet of cisco gear not being used which I want to put to use unfortunately I'm not a network admin or skilled enough. But maybe within time I could suggest changes.
Thank you for help.
( Downstairs)
So we have draytek router connected to a SME server I think this server handles DHCP for the building not the router. We probably have about 2-3 switches downstairs to expand the network.
( Upstairs)
Few network points in workshop I would say about 12 hard wired. We have about 5 switches hooked up in various locations of the workshop.
So not knowing much about networking my immediate reaction is the layout isn't the best?
Everything is on the same subnet, Infact in the workshop somebody previously setup a machine a PXE Windows installation server which every machine in the building can access. Again I was like well this is silly.
Nothing is documented, network points Are not labelled,
I am not to familiar with Collison domains and broadcast domains, I understand that our whole network is one broadcast domain, and that each port on a switch in theory is a separate collision domain.
Would having numerous switches on our network effect performance?
Break it down for me guys I am keen to learn, We have a pallet of cisco gear not being used which I want to put to use unfortunately I'm not a network admin or skilled enough. But maybe within time I could suggest changes.
Thank you for help.
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Jon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□First thing I would do is list the switches and routers you have connected. Are they managed switches or did you add small 8 port switches throughout the workshop?
After you find all of the switches try to determine how they are physically connected. Do they all lead back to one switch or are the daisy chained.
Lots of small shops only use one subnet. If you don't have networking knowledge that is going to work best for you now as it will be easiest to manage. As you learn you could add vlans in the future. I would suggest studying Net+ or CCENT at some point to get a good understanding.
P.S. I'm not a network god! Someday maybe lol -
Dojiscalper Member Posts: 266 ■■■□□□□□□□I'm also not really advanced, but a few questions that I would address first are, how many devices are on this network and are there any performance issues to address. My next question would be do we need any departments/devices on their own network or VLAN, ie if the workshop is for IT equipment repair or testing maybe they should be on a separate VLAN to keep them from interfering with the production network. You could go into more complicated things like failover and security, but in the end its best to keep things as simple as necessary.