Which is the Best Study Material For FC0-U51 Exam Preparation?

in Project+
It’s my second attempt for FC0-U51 Exam, first attempt I failed when i attempt it before due to lack of valid study material, but now this time I cannot afford any risk or fake website and its material also. this time I really want to pass ma exam nobly, I am here which purpose is this I need some suggestions for real study material provider website or guider who give me valid and suitable study material about my exam preparation and helpful guideline also. And I pass my FC0-U51 exam this time easily with great scores.
SaltyHashes Member Posts: 33 ■■■□□□□□□□
I'm sorry to hear that you had troubles on the first go with IT Fundamentals. I suggest watching Professor Messer's A+ series on YouTube.
IT Fundamentals is a mini-version of the A+ without labs/simulations.
Straight from CompTIA's website:The upcoming exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to identify and explain the basics of computing, IT infrastructure, application and software, software development, database fundamentals and security. In addition, candidates will have the ability to demonstrate their knowledge to:- Install software
- Establish basic network connectivity
- Identify/prevent basic security risks
- Explain troubleshooting theory and preventative maintenance of devices
Study those topics and once you feel familiar with those areas, give the exam another go.
Best of luck!