Linux Academy or CBTNuggets

SneakywafflesSneakywaffles Registered Users Posts: 5 ■■■□□□□□□□
I've acquired the books for success now looking for a lab hands on source. Can someone give me their professional opinion on which they'd recommend in preparation for CompTIA Linux+. The questions is Linux Academy or CBT Nuggets and can you provide me ever so kindly your insight as to why one over the other.


  • jasper_zanjanijasper_zanjani Member Posts: 76 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Hey I know I'm a little late to the party. I just took the LX0-103 earlier this week and passed, and I actually went with ITProTV's course. Unfortunately I failed the LX0-104 this morning, which led me to sign up for a trial to Linux Academy. I was really close to passing, so I'm hoping to concentrate on my weaknesses and try again next week, but I gotta tell you so far they seem way worse than ITProTV, in terms of production value at least. I have noticed some more targeted courses that might be beneficial, it just depends on how quickly and well I learn this material. I will try to remember to post an update if/when I've had a chance to go through their labs.
  • BloogenBloogen Member Posts: 180 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Linux Academy has a far superior quantity and quality for Linux courses. 
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