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CCNA Dilemma | What would you do?
Well, I'm not too happy about yesterday's news Cisco is changing the format of their CCNA exam, but I guess timing is everything, and I just kind of messed up time-wise. I passed the Network+ last Monday on my first attempt after spending five months studying for it. I spent eight months studying for the A+ certification but also passed it on the first attempt. I have a lot going on working in pre-sales engineering for one of the largest semiconductor organizations in the world. Also, I'm a part-time Master of Systems Engineering student at one of the local colleges. I did finish my MBA in the spring which was nice.
I've got a lot on my plate at the moment but was thinking of starting part one of the CCNA journey this week before the news broke, that is complete the CCENT then take the second and final test after that. Given February is eight months away, I'm not sure now pressure wise I wouldn't be better off waiting for the new exam. I am hesitant to put all the work in (as I'm sure many of you here know exactly what I'm talking about), and then whatever reason I can't get the test completed before February 2020, and the test and my subsequent studies are pulled out from underneath me. I'm looking to take this exam as part of a change of career plans (which in and of itself is a completely separate discussion).
I guess in writing this post I'm just looking for some guidance from those of you who've completed the CCNA exam and what you would do if you were in my shoes. I also wish Cisco would go ahead and release the new exam now AND give others the option of taking the old exam until February, that way some of these video resource and test preparation companies can put together accurate study materials for those of us wanting to get the test over with sooner rather than later.
Thanks for reading and any advice you give.
NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□
If you can’t get the current CCNA before than just start studying for the new CCNA and take it next February. Work off the exam topics listed on their site on what you will need to learn. Use current CCNA videos or books... also they have a ton of links for study materials in this link below as well
kaiju Member Posts: 453 ■■■■■■■□□□
The old exam will be available until the new one is released. What will suck is some of the new questions will start to appear on the current test as we get closer to Feb 2020 release date.Half of my team is buckling down on CCNP R/S right now. I will take the CCNP switch test next month.Work smarter NOT harder! Semper Gumby! -
Infosec_Sam Admin Posts: 527 Admin
I'm starting to wonder if maybe the Net+ is worthwhile for people caught in this limbo state right now. If you don't need vendor-specific knowledge, and the scheduling around the CCNA is going to put you in a bind, maybe the Net+ is the right choice. Otherwise, I really think 8 months is enough to knock out the CCNA in two exams, especially if you're not planning on doing any higher-level Cisco stuff. -
CryptoQue Member Posts: 204 ■■■□□□□□□□
I agree with @Infosec_Sam that 8 months should be enough time for you to complete the ICND1 & 2 to earn your CCNA. Good luck! -
Mooseboost Member Posts: 778 ■■■■□□□□□□
Even if you are starting from zero knowledge, there should be enough time to prepare for and pass the current CCNA exams. The only “Oh heck no” moment I can think of now is if you wanted a specific track to check off a personal checkbox. I wanted Voice many moons ago and by the time I had gotten around to it - there just wasn’t enough time to do it before they changed it over to Collaboration. So if you want a specific track, you should really buckle down and focus on it now.
I suspect the new exam is going to be a good bit of adjustment for all the focus who have to renew their certifications in the next couple of years. I think the way they are going now though is better, having a broad approach rather than specialization at the Associate level.
If you do decide to go for it, I wish you luck!
AvgITGeek Member Posts: 342 ■■■■□□□□□□
I was currently studying full on to get my CCNA and almost was to the point of scheduling my ICND1 when I changed jobs three months ago which removed any Cisco hands on from my job description. If that didn't happen, I would have powered through and got my CCNA. While some things are being taken out, some more things that the current study guides can't account for have been added. Use your current resources and knock the CCNA out before it changes!As I look to my left at my rack of Cisco ASA, routers and switches... I may attempt this again once the dust settles but with the new job, it just isn't in the cards. I really miss the Cisco labbing. -
DFTK13 Member Posts: 176 ■■■■□□□□□□
I’ve decided to just go ahead and start studying for the new CCNA exam. Wendell Odom released the first volume a couple months ago and will release the 2nd volume in January. I’m really appreciating the cut down on the content that I will likely never use. The ICND1 book has 36 chapters, the new CCNA book only has 29 chapters. And volume 2 is even less.Certs: CCNA(200-301), Network+, A+, LPI Linux Essentials
Goals: CCNP Enterprise(ENCOR + ENARSI), AWS CSA - Associate, Azure AZ-104, Become better at python, learn docker and kubernetes
Degree: A.S. Network Administration
Pursuing: B.S. in I.T. Web and Mobile Development Concentration