Capella Master of Science in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity w/ Network Defense CISSP credit

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Master of Science in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity w/ Network Defense CISSP credit
Master of Science in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity w/ Network Defense CISSP credit
Capella University Master of Science in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity w/ Network Defense Specialization
Core courses (CISSP Credits) - 20 Credits awarded
IAS5010 Information Technology Security Fundamentals 4 quarter credits
IAS5015 *Network Security Fundamentals and Cryptography 4 quarter credits
IAS5020 *Information Security Regulatory and Legal Environment 4 quarter credits
IAS5025 *Operating System Defense 4 quarter credits
IAS5030 *Identifying and Managing Risk 4 quarter credits
Core courses: - 4 Credits remain to be completed
IAS5002 Communication Skills for Today’s Information Security Professional 4 quarter credits
Specialization courses: - 20 Credits remain to completed
IAS5130 Programming for Security Professionals 4 quarter credits
IAS5200 Network Architecture and Cyberoperations 4 quarter credits
IAS5210 Data Communications4 quarter credits
IAS5220 Network Security Controls and Testing 4 quarter credits
IAS5230 Secure Network Design and Engineering 4 quarter credits
Capstone course - Taken during the learner’s final quarter: - 4 Credits remaining to complete
IAS5900 *IAS Capstone 4 quarter credits
48 quarter credits
Our master’s in information assurance and cybersecurity, network defense degree helps you examine technical and managerial controls critical to network defense, including security controls and testing, cryptography, visualization, and more.
Protect business assets with network defense
Be the first line of defense for organizational networks. Capella’s master’s in information assurance and cybersecurity, network defense degree prepares you as an information cybersecurity professional to assess, develop, and implement solutions to safeguard information assets. You’ll have hands-on experience with our virtual lab managing real-time responses to security breaches and performing vulnerability assessments using Nessus®. Plus, you’ll gain the knowledge to prepare for certifications like the CEH, CNDA, and CISSP®.
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