Selling CompTIA Security+ Exam Voucher (SY0-501)
Hello Everyone,
On the CompTIA website the exam voucher goes for 339$. Given that I do not need my exam voucher anymore I am willing to sell it at a discounted price of $220 (expiration in about 11 months, November 2020). The transaction would be made over Paypal for both the seller and buyer's security. The Voucher Number will be sent via e-mail as proof of delivery for both parties involved.
For any questions feel free to Private message me.
NOT available anymore
rickster9 Member Posts: 2 ■■□□□□□□□□
jasper_zanjani said:sold -
jasper_zanjani Member Posts: 76 ■■■■□□□□□□
yes I'm interested, I can send you money right now, I already DM'ed you last night