New CCNA (200-301) Help

Cert Warriors,
I picked the absolute worst time to go for my CCNA. The test changes this week. What are your best recommendations for study material? I don't want to study any old material. If there any online courses that you all can recommend too, that would be most helpful.
Also, I'm not quite sure what the differences are between the old and new version of the CCNA, so I'm not sure how to shape my study plan. Not a networking/Cisco guy, forgive me.
I picked the absolute worst time to go for my CCNA. The test changes this week. What are your best recommendations for study material? I don't want to study any old material. If there any online courses that you all can recommend too, that would be most helpful.
Also, I'm not quite sure what the differences are between the old and new version of the CCNA, so I'm not sure how to shape my study plan. Not a networking/Cisco guy, forgive me.
Neil86 Member Posts: 182 ■■■■□□□□□□
I'm assuming you're going for the new exam? Review the CCNA exam topics. Study materials are available for the new exam. I used and enjoyed Wendell Odoms OCG. Others prefer Todd Lammle, there are others. I primarily used the OCG, CBT Nuggets, Packet Tracer + labs.
I also used the exam topics page as an outline for my notes. I typed right into it and entered bulleted notes per topic and it turned into 30+ pages of easily studied and only the most important notes.
Good luck!