Infosec Boot Camp vs ISACA Online Review Course?

mvparishmvparish Member Posts: 7 ■■■□□□□□□□
Anyone have experience with Infosec Boot Camps or ISACA Online Review Courses?  Can anyone compare and contrast, especially when it comes to the CRISC?

Thanks in Advance!


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    Also check your local ISACA chapter(s) for online and in-class training of ISACA certifications. A major chapter will at least offer CISA and CISM training twice a year. 
  • Infosec_SamInfosec_Sam Admin Posts: 527 Admin
    Hey there, @mvparish! I'm on the Infosec marketing team, and I sat our Security+ boot camp last summer when I picked up the cert. I was a big fan of the pre- and post-boot camp materials - I thought they did a great job of prepping me for the exam. 

    If you're looking for a little taste of what our content is like, we have an on-demand learning platform as well called Infosec Skills! Feel free to give it a try for 30 days free with code: infoseccommunity - and let me know if you have any questions!
    Community Manager at Infosec!
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