CISSP domain experience

thomas_thomas_ Member Posts: 1,012 ■■■■■■■■□□
I was looking at the experience requirements for CISSP and had some questions.  When you are mapping your experience to a domain do you need to hit all of the subitems in a particular domain for it to count?  When I say subitems, I’m referring to the items listed in the exam outline for a particular domain.  If you had five years of experience for one subitem of a domain would that count as experience for one domain?

Let’s say working on a particular domain only took up 20% of your time and you worked there for five years.  Would that count as five years of experience in that domain or only one year of experience?

If you do have to break out your work experience by percenfage of time working on a particular domain, then is all of your past experience pretty much wasted because you can’t accurately account for your time spent working in a domain for a job 10 years in the past?
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